Energy minimization for a 2.5D sheet in 3D#

import sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import json
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
%matplotlib inline

from scipy import optimize

from tyssue import Sheet

from tyssue import SheetGeometry as geom
from tyssue.dynamics.sheet_vertex_model import SheetModel as model 
from tyssue.solvers.quasistatic import QSSolver
from tyssue import config
from tyssue.solvers.isotropic_solver import bruteforce_isotropic_relax

from tyssue.draw.plt_draw import sheet_view
import tyssue.draw.plt_draw as draw
from import hdf5
/tmp/ipykernel_3741/ DeprecationWarning: 
Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0),
(to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries)
but was not found to be installed on your system.
If this would cause problems for you,
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  import pandas as pd
collision solver could not be imported You may need to install CGAL and re-install tyssue
This module needs ipyvolume to work.
You can install it with:
$ conda install -c conda-forge ipyvolume
h5store = 'data/small_hexagonal.hf5'

datasets = hdf5.load_datasets(h5store,
                              data_names=['face', 'vert', 'edge'])
specs = config.geometry.cylindrical_sheet()
sheet = Sheet('emin', datasets, specs)
sheet.sanitize(trim_borders=True, order_edges=True)

y is_active z x rho old_idx basal_shift height radial_tension
count 8.000000e+01 80.000000 8.000000e+01 8.000000e+01 8.000000e+01 80.000000 8.000000e+01 8.000000e+01 80.0
mean 1.110223e-15 0.800000 8.881784e-17 -2.620126e-15 8.071634e+00 103.425000 2.216705e+00 5.854929e+00 0.0
std 5.743517e+00 0.402524 8.027290e+00 5.743517e+00 4.968335e-15 27.759261 4.468911e-16 5.000389e-15 0.0
area z y is_alive x perimeter old_idx num_sides vol prefered_area prefered_vol contractility vol_elasticity prefered_height basal_shift basal_height height rho id
count 40.000000 40.000000 4.000000e+01 40.0 4.000000e+01 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.000000 40.0 40.0 40.000000 40.0 40.0 40.000000 40.000000 4.000000e+01 4.000000e+01 40.0
mean 31.948614 0.000000 1.176836e-15 1.0 -2.653433e-15 21.447238 27.500000 5.600000 187.056872 12.0 288.0 76.076404 1.0 24.0 2.500252 -3.246161 5.854929e+00 8.071634e+00 0.0
std 2.890942 7.446702 5.463498e+00 0.0 5.463498e+00 0.549335 16.306362 0.496139 16.926260 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.000000 0.000000 2.491937e-15 2.257710e-15 0.0
dz length dx dy srce trgt face old_jv0 old_jv1 old_cell ... sz tx ty tz fx fy fz rx ry rz
count 2.240000e+02 224.000000 2.240000e+02 2.240000e+02 224.000000 224.000000 224.000000 224.000000 224.000000 224.000000 ... 224.000000 2.240000e+02 2.240000e+02 224.000000 2.240000e+02 2.240000e+02 224.000000 2.240000e+02 2.240000e+02 2.240000e+02
mean 3.965082e-18 3.829864 -1.982541e-17 -7.930164e-18 39.500000 39.500000 19.500000 99.348214 106.031250 27.500000 ... 0.000000 -2.727977e-15 1.268826e-15 0.000000 -2.474211e-15 1.015061e-15 0.000000 3.965082e-17 -2.577303e-17 2.973812e-17
std 2.593865e+00 0.652700 2.053231e+00 2.053231e+00 23.111351 23.111351 11.563046 27.073959 27.627631 16.132856 ... 7.530508 5.720290e+00 5.720290e+00 7.530508 5.409339e+00 5.409339e+00 7.117109 1.860313e+00 1.860313e+00 2.460756e+00

3 rows × 33 columns

Non dimensionalisation and isotropic model#

For our 2D1/2 model, for a tissue energy is expressed as: $\( E = N_f\frac{K}{2}(V - V_0)^2 + N_f \frac{\Gamma}{2}L^2 + 3N_f\Lambda \ell \)\( In the case of a regular, infinite hexagonal lattice, There 6 edges per cell, each shared bteween 2 cells, hence \)Ne = 3N_f$

We can write this equation as a dimension-less one by dividing it by \(N_f K V_0^2\). We define the dimension-less values: \(\bar\Gamma = \Gamma/K V_0^{4/3}\) and \(\bar\Lambda = \Lambda/K V_0^{5/3}\)

\[ \bar{E} = \frac{\left(V/V_0 - 1\right)^2}{2} + \bar\Gamma \frac{V_0^{-2/3}}{2}L^2 + 3\bar\Lambda V_0^{-1/3} \ell \]

We define the scaling factor \(\delta\) such that \(V/V_0 = \delta^3\). On a regular hexagonal grid, the perimeter \(L=6\ell\) and the area is A=\(3\sqrt{3}/2\,\ell^2\). The volume is \(V = Ah\). As the (pseudo-)height is arbitrary, we can chose its prefered value. We set \(h_0 = V_0^{1/3}\).

We thus have \(A_0 = V_0^{2/3}\), \(A = \delta^2 V_0^{2/3}\) and \(\ell = \delta (\frac{2}{3\sqrt{3}})^{1/2} V_0^{1/3}\). We define the constant \(\mu = 2^{3/2}3^{1/4}\) to simplify further the equation:

\[\begin{split} \begin{eqnarray} \bar{E} &=& \frac{(\delta^3 - 1)^2}{2} + \frac{12}{\sqrt{3}}\bar\Gamma\delta^2 + \frac{6}{\sqrt{3}}\bar\Lambda \delta \\ \bar{E} &=& \frac{(\delta^3 - 1)^2}{2} + \frac{\mu^2}{2}\bar\Gamma\delta^2 + \frac{\mu}{2}\bar\Lambda \delta \\ \end{eqnarray} \end{split}\]

The root of this polynomial corresponds to the lowest energy possible for this set of paramters.

### This analytic model is implemented bellow

It is now a bit too specific to warrant a module in tyssue, and was thus removed

Isotropic energy model from Farhadifar et al. 2007 article
import numpy as np

mu = 2 ** 1.5 * 3 ** 0.25

def elasticity(delta):
    return (delta ** 3 - 1) ** 2 / 2.0

def contractility(delta, gamma):
    return gamma * mu ** 2 * delta ** 2 / 2.0

def tension(delta, lbda):
    return lbda * mu * delta / 2.0

def isotropic_energies(sheet, model, geom, deltas, nondim_specs):

    # bck_face_shift = sheet.face_df['basal_shift']
    # bck_vert_shift = sheet.vert_df['basal_shift']
    # ## Faces only area and height

    V_0 = sheet.specs["face"]["prefered_vol"]
    vol_avg = sheet.face_df[sheet.face_df["is_alive"] == 1].vol.mean()
    rho_avg = sheet.vert_df.rho.mean()

    # ## Set height and volume to height0 and V0
    delta_0 = (V_0 / vol_avg) ** (1 / 3)
    geom.scale(sheet, delta_0, sheet.coords)

    h_0 = V_0 ** (1 / 3)

    sheet.face_df["basal_shift"] = rho_avg * delta_0 - h_0
    sheet.vert_df["basal_shift"] = rho_avg * delta_0 - h_0

    energies = np.zeros((deltas.size, 3))
    for n, delta in enumerate(deltas):
        geom.scale(sheet, delta, sheet.coords + ["basal_shift"])
        Et, Ec, Ev = model.compute_energy(sheet, full_output=True)
        energies[n, :] = [Et.sum(), Ec.sum(), Ev.sum()]
        geom.scale(sheet, 1 / delta, sheet.coords + ["basal_shift"])
    energies /= sheet.face_df["is_alive"].sum()
    isotropic_relax(sheet, nondim_specs)

    return energies

def isotropic_relax(sheet, nondim_specs, geom=geom):
    """Deforms the sheet so that the faces pseudo-volume is at their
    isotropic optimum (on average)
    The specified model specs is assumed to be non-dimentional

    vol0 = sheet.face_df["prefered_vol"].mean()
    h_0 = vol0 ** (1 / 3)
    live_faces = sheet.face_df[sheet.face_df.is_alive == 1]
    vol_avg = live_faces.vol.mean()
    rho_avg = sheet.vert_df.rho.mean()

    # ## Set height and volume to height0 and vol0
    delta = (vol0 / vol_avg) ** (1 / 3)
    geom.scale(sheet, delta, coords=sheet.coords)
    sheet.face_df["basal_shift"] = rho_avg * delta - h_0
    sheet.vert_df["basal_shift"] = rho_avg * delta - h_0

    # ## Optimal value for delta
    delta_o = find_grad_roots(nondim_specs)
    if not np.isfinite(delta_o):
        raise ValueError("invalid parameters values")
    sheet.delta_o = delta_o
    # ## Scaling
    geom.scale(sheet, delta_o, coords=sheet.coords + ["basal_shift"])

def isotropic_energy(delta, mod_specs):
    Computes the theoritical energy per face for the given
    lbda = mod_specs["edge"]["line_tension"]
    gamma = mod_specs["face"]["contractility"]
    elasticity_ = (delta ** 3 - 1) ** 2 / 2.0
    contractility_ = gamma * mu ** 2 * delta ** 2 / 2.0
    tension_ = lbda * mu * delta / 2.0
    energy = elasticity_ + contractility_ + tension_
    return energy

def isotropic_grad_poly(mod_specs):
    lbda = mod_specs["edge"]["line_tension"]
    gamma = mod_specs["face"]["contractility"]

    grad_poly = [3, 0, 0, -3, mu ** 2 * gamma, mu * lbda / 2.0]
    return grad_poly

def isotropic_grad(mod_specs, delta):
    grad_poly = isotropic_grad_poly(mod_specs)
    return np.polyval(grad_poly, delta)

def find_grad_roots(mod_specs):
    poly = isotropic_grad_poly(mod_specs)
    roots = np.roots(poly)
    good_roots = np.real([r for r in roots if np.abs(r) == r])
    if len(good_roots) == 1:
        return good_roots
    elif len(good_roots) > 1:
        return good_roots[0]
        return np.nan
nondim_specs = config.dynamics.quasistatic_sheet_spec()
dim_model_specs = model.dimensionalize(nondim_specs)

sheet.update_specs(dim_model_specs, reset=True)
sheet.edge_df.is_active = (sheet.upcast_face(sheet.face_df.is_alive)
                           & sheet.upcast_srce(sheet.vert_df.is_active))
res = bruteforce_isotropic_relax(sheet, geom, model)
Et, Ec, Ev = model.compute_energy(sheet, full_output=True)
energy = model.compute_energy(sheet, full_output=False)
print('Total energy: {}'.format(energy))
Total energy: 18.662021831602555
def plot_analytical_to_numeric_comp(sheet, model, geom, nondim_specs):

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

    deltas = np.linspace(0.1, 1.8, 50)

    lbda = nondim_specs["edge"]["line_tension"]
    gamma = nondim_specs["face"]["contractility"]

        isotropic_energy(deltas, nondim_specs),
        label="Analytical total",
        ax.plot(sheet.delta_o, isotropic_energy(sheet.delta_o, nondim_specs), "ro")
    ax.plot(deltas, elasticity(deltas), "b-", label="Analytical volume elasticity")
        contractility(deltas, gamma),
        label="Analytical contractility",
    ax.plot(deltas, tension(deltas, lbda), "g-", label="Analytical line tension")

    ax.set_xlabel(r"Isotropic scaling $\delta$")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Isotropic energie $\bar E$")

    energies = isotropic_energies(sheet, model, geom, deltas, nondim_specs)
    # energies = energies / norm
        energies[:, 2],
        label="Computed volume elasticity",
        deltas, energies[:, 0], "go:", lw=2, alpha=0.8, label="Computed line tension"
        energies[:, 1],
        label="Computed contractility",
        deltas, energies.sum(axis=1), "ko:", lw=2, alpha=0.8, label="Computed total"

    ax.legend(loc="upper left", fontsize=10)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.2)
    print(sheet.delta_o, deltas[energies.sum(axis=1).argmin()])

    return fig, ax
fig, ax = plot_analytical_to_numeric_comp(sheet, model, geom, nondim_specs)
0.8865926873873902 0.8979591836734694
['Line tension', 'Contractility', 'Volume elasticity']
gradients = model.compute_gradient(sheet, components=True)
gradients = {label: (srce, trgt) for label, (srce, trgt)
             in zip(model.labels, gradients)}
gradients['Line tension'][0].head()
gx gy gz
0 -0.000000 -0.000000 -668.132926
1 -0.000000 -0.000000 668.132926
2 112.700882 566.585593 335.679736
3 -112.700882 566.585593 -335.679736
4 112.700882 -566.585593 335.679736
grad_i = model.compute_gradient(sheet, components=False)
gx gy gz
0 -0.008983 -3.720720e-03 -0.001010
1 -0.008983 3.720720e-03 -0.001010
2 -0.018412 7.626655e-03 -0.009825
3 -0.013376 -7.264422e-17 -0.008121
4 -0.018412 -7.626655e-03 -0.009825
geom.scale(sheet, 1.2, sheet.coords)
scale = 5

fig, ax = draw.plot_forces(sheet, geom, model, ['z', 'x'], scale)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 12)
for n, (vx, vy, vz) in sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords].iterrows():
    shift = 0.6 * np.sign(vy)
    ax.text(vz+shift-0.3, vx, str(n))

app_grad_specs = config.draw.sheet_spec()['grad']

solver = QSSolver()    
sheet.topo_changed = False

def draw_approx_force(ax=None):
    fig, ax = draw.plot_forces(sheet, geom, model,
                              ['z', 'x'], scaling=scale, ax=ax,
                              approx_grad=solver.approx_grad, **{'grad':app_grad_specs})
    fig.set_size_inches(10, 12)
    return fig, ax

## Uncomment bellow to recompute
fig, ax = draw_approx_force(ax=ax)

grad_err = solver.check_grad(sheet, geom, model)
grad_err /= sheet.Nv

print("Error on the gradient (non-dim, per vertex): {:.3e}".format(grad_err))
Error on the gradient (non-dim, per vertex): 1.688e-05
settings = {
        'options': {'disp':False,

res = solver.find_energy_min(sheet, geom, model, **settings)
fig, ax = draw.plot_forces(sheet, geom, model, ['z', 'y'], 10)
fig.set_size_inches(10, 12)