Source code for tyssue.core.history

import os
import warnings
import traceback
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from pathlib import Path

from collections import defaultdict
from .sheet import Sheet
from .objects import Epithelium

def _filter_columns(cols_hist, cols_in, element):
    if not set(cols_hist).issubset(cols_in):
Columns {set(cols_hist).difference(cols_in)} are in the history
 {element} dataframe but not in the sheet {element} dataframe.

These non existent columns will not be saved."""
        cols_hist = set(cols_hist).intersection(cols_in)
    return list(cols_hist)

[docs]class History: """ This class handles recording and retrieving time series of sheet objects. """ def __init__(self, sheet, save_every=None, dt=None, extra_cols=None, save_all=True): """Creates a `SheetHistory` instance. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`Sheet` object which we want to record save_every : float, set every time interval to save the sheet dt : float, time step extra_cols : dictionnary with sheet.datasets as keys and list of columns as values. Default None save_all : bool if True, saves all the data at each time point """ if extra_cols is None: if save_all: extra_cols = { k: list(sheet.datasets[k].columns) for k in sheet.datasets } else: extra_cols = defaultdict(list) else: extra_cols = defaultdict(list, **extra_cols) self.sheet = sheet self.time = 0.0 self.index = 0 if save_every is not None: self.save_every = save_every self.dt = dt else: self.save_every = None self.datasets = {} self.columns = {} vcols = sheet.coords + extra_cols["vert"] vcols = list(set(vcols)) self.vcols = _filter_columns(vcols, sheet.vert_df.columns, "vertex") _vert_h = sheet.vert_df[self.vcols].reset_index(drop=False) if not "time" in self.vcols: _vert_h["time"] = 0 self.datasets["vert"] = _vert_h self.columns["vert"] = self.vcols fcols = extra_cols["face"] self.fcols = _filter_columns(fcols, sheet.face_df.columns, "face") _face_h = sheet.face_df[self.fcols].reset_index(drop=False) if not "time" in self.fcols: _face_h["time"] = 0 self.datasets["face"] = _face_h self.columns["face"] = self.fcols if sheet.cell_df is not None: ccols = extra_cols["cell"] self.ccols = _filter_columns(ccols, sheet.cell_df.columns, "cell") _cell_h = sheet.cell_df[self.ccols].reset_index(drop=False) if not "time" in self.ccols: _cell_h["time"] = 0 self.datasets["cell"] = _cell_h self.columns["cell"] = self.ccols extra_cols["edge"].append("cell") ecols = ["srce", "trgt", "face"] + extra_cols["edge"] ecols = list(set(ecols)) self.ecols = _filter_columns(ecols, sheet.edge_df.columns, "edge") _edge_h = sheet.edge_df[self.ecols].reset_index(drop=False) if not "time" in self.ecols: _edge_h["time"] = 0 self.datasets["edge"] = _edge_h self.columns["edge"] = self.ecols def __len__(self): return self.time_stamps.__len__()
[docs] def to_archive(self, hf5file): """Saves the history to a HDF file This file can later be accessed again with the `HistoryHdf5.from_archive` class method """ with pd.HDFStore(hf5file, "a") as store: for key, df in self.datasets.items(): kwargs = {"data_columns": ["time"]} if "segment" in df.columns: kwargs["min_itemsize"] = {"segment": 7} store.append(key=key, value=df, **kwargs)
@property def time_stamps(self): return self.datasets["vert"]["time"].unique() @property def vert_h(self): return self.datasets["vert"] @property def edge_h(self): return self.datasets["edge"] @property def face_h(self): return self.datasets["face"] @property def cell_h(self): return self.datasets.get("cell", None)
[docs] def record(self, to_record=None, time_stamp=None): """Appends a copy of the sheet datasets to the history instance. Parameters ---------- to_report : deprecated """ if to_record is not None: warnings.warn("Deprecated all the data will be saved") if time_stamp is not None: self.time = time_stamp else: self.time += 1 if (self.save_every is None) or ( self.index % (int(self.save_every / self.dt)) == 0 ): for element in self.datasets: hist = self.datasets[element] cols = self.columns[element] df = self.sheet.datasets[element][cols].reset_index(drop=False) if not "time" in cols: times = pd.Series(np.ones((df.shape[0],)) * self.time, name="time") df = pd.concat([df, times], ignore_index=False, axis=1, sort=False) if self.time in hist["time"]: # erase previously recorded time point hist = hist[hist["time"] != self.time] hist = pd.concat([hist, df], ignore_index=True, axis=0, sort=False) self.datasets[element] = hist self.index += 1
[docs] def retrieve(self, time): """Return datasets at time `time`. If a specific dataset was not recorded at time time, the closest record before that time is used. """ if time > self.datasets["vert"]["time"].values[-1]: warnings.warn( """ The time argument you requested is bigger than the maximum recorded time, are you sure you pass time in parameter and not an index ? """ ) sheet_datasets = {} for element in self.datasets: hist = self.datasets[element] cols = self.columns[element] df = _retrieve(hist, time) df = df.set_index(element)[cols] sheet_datasets[element] = df return type(self.sheet)( f"{self.sheet.identifier}_{time:04.3f}", sheet_datasets, self.sheet.specs )
def __iter__(self): for t in self.time_stamps: sheet = self.retrieve(t) yield t, sheet
[docs]class HistoryHdf5(History): """ This class handles recording and retrieving time series of sheet objects. """ def __init__( self, sheet=None, save_every=None, dt=None, extra_cols=None, hf5file="", overwrite=False, ): """Creates a `SheetHistory` instance. Parameters ---------- sheet : a :class:`Sheet` object which we want to record save_every : float, set every time interval to save the sheet dt : float, time step extra_cols : dictionnary with sheet.datasets as keys and list of columns as values. Default None hf5file : string, define the path of the HDF5 file overwrite : bool, Overwrite or not the file if it is already exist. Default False """ if not hf5file: warnings.warn( "No directory is given. The HDF5 file will be saved in the working directory as out.hf5." ) self.hf5file = Path(os.getcwd()) / "out.hf5" else: self.hf5file = Path(hf5file) if self.hf5file.exists(): if overwrite: tb = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2) if not "from_archive" in tb[0].name: warnings.warn( "The file already exist and will be overwritten." " This is normal if you reopened an archive" ) else: expand = 0 while True: new_hf5file = self.hf5file.parent / self.hf5file.suffix, f"{expand}{self.hf5file.suffix}" ) expand += 1 if new_hf5file.exists(): continue else: self.hf5file = new_hf5file warnings.warn( "The file already exist and the new filename is {}".format( new_hf5file ) ) break if sheet is None: last = self.time_stamps[-1] with pd.HDFStore(self.hf5file, "r") as file: keys = file.keys() if "\cell" in keys: sheet = Epithelium History.__init__(self, sheet, save_every, dt, extra_cols) self.dtypes = { k: df[self.columns[k]].dtypes for k, df in sheet.datasets.items() }
[docs] @classmethod def from_archive(cls, hf5file, columns=None, eptm_class=None): datasets = {} settings = {} hf5file = Path(hf5file) with pd.HDFStore(hf5file, "r") as store: keys = [k.strip("/") for k in store.keys()] if columns is None: # read everything columns = {k: None for k in keys} if eptm_class is None: eptm_class = Epithelium if "cell" in keys else Sheet last ="vert", columns=["time"]).iloc[-1]["time"] for key in keys: if key == "settings": settings = store[key] continue df =, where=f"time == {last}", columns=columns[key]) datasets[key] = df eptm = eptm_class(, datasets) eptm.settings.update(settings) return cls(sheet=eptm, hf5file=hf5file, overwrite=True)
@property def time_stamps(self): with pd.HDFStore(self.hf5file, "r") as file: times ="vert", columns=["time"])["time"].unique() return times
[docs] def record(self, to_record=None, time_stamp=None, sheet=None): """Appends a copy of the sheet datasets to the history HDF file. Parameters ---------- to_report : Deprecated - list of strings the datasets from self.sheet to be saved sheet: a :class:`Sheet` object which we want to record. This argument can be used if the sheet object is different at each time point. """ if to_record is not None: warnings.warn("Deprecated, all the datasets will be saved anyway") if sheet is not None: self.sheet = sheet if time_stamp is not None: self.time = time_stamp else: self.time += 1.0 dtypes_ = {k: df.dtypes for k, df in self.sheet.datasets.items()} for element, df in self.sheet.datasets.items(): diff_col = set(dtypes_[element].keys()).difference( set(self.dtypes[element].keys()) ) if diff_col: warnings.warn( "New columns {} will not be saved in the {} table".format( diff_col, element ) ) else: old_types = self.dtypes[element].to_dict() new_types = dtypes_[element].to_dict() if new_types != old_types: changed_type = { k: old_types[k] for k in old_types if k in new_types and old_types[k] != new_types[k] } raise ValueError( "There is a change of datatype in {} table in {} columns".format( element, changed_type ) ) if (self.save_every is None) or ( self.index % (int(self.save_every / self.dt)) == 0 ): for element, df in self.sheet.datasets.items(): times = pd.Series(np.ones((df.shape[0],)) * self.time, name="time") df = df[self.columns[element]] df = pd.concat([df, times], ignore_index=False, axis=1, sort=False) kwargs = {"data_columns": ["time"]} if "segment" in df.columns: kwargs["min_itemsize"] = {"segment": 8} with pd.HDFStore(self.hf5file, "a") as file: file.append(key=element, value=df, **kwargs) self.index += 1
[docs] def retrieve(self, time): """Return datasets at time `time`. If a specific dataset was not recorded at time time, the closest record before that time is used. """ times = self.time_stamps if time > times[-1]: warnings.warn( "The time argument you passed is bigger than the maximum recorded time, are you sure you pass time in parameter and not an index ? " ) time = times[np.argmin(np.abs(times - time))] with pd.HDFStore(self.hf5file, "r") as store: sheet_datasets = {} for element in self.datasets: sheet_datasets[element] =, where=f"time == {time}") return type(self.sheet)( f"{self.sheet.identifier}_{time:04.3f}", sheet_datasets, self.sheet.specs )
def _retrieve(dset, time): times = dset["time"].values t = times[np.argmin(np.abs(times - time))] return dset[dset["time"] == t]