Source code for tyssue.generation.modifiers

"""This module provides utlities to modify an input tissue through extrusion or subdivision
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from ..config.geometry import bulk_spec

[docs]def extrude(apical_datasets, method="homotecy", scale=0.3, vector=[0, 0, -1]): """Extrude a sheet to form a monlayer epithelium Parameters ---------- * apical_datasets: dictionnary of three DataFrames, 'vert', 'edge', 'face' * method: str, optional {'homotecy'|'translation'|'normals'} default 'homotecy' * scale: float, optional the scale factor for homotetic scaling, default 0.3. * vector: sequence of three floats, optional, used for the translation default [0, 0, -1] if `method == 'homotecy'`, the basal layer is scaled down from the apical one homoteticaly w/r to the center of the coordinate system, by a factor given by `scale` if `method == 'translation'`, the basal vertices are translated from the apical ones by the vector `vect` if `method == 'normals'`, basal vertices are translated from the apical ones along the normal of the surface at each vertex, by a vector whose size is given by `scale` """ apical_vert = apical_datasets["vert"] apical_face = apical_datasets["face"] apical_edge = apical_datasets["edge"] apical_vert["segment"] = "apical" apical_face["segment"] = "apical" apical_edge["segment"] = "apical" coords = list("xyz") datasets = {} Nv = apical_vert.index.max() + 1 Ne = apical_edge.index.max() + 1 Nf = apical_face.index.max() + 1 basal_vert = apical_vert.copy() basal_vert.index = basal_vert.index + Nv basal_vert["segment"] = "basal" cell_df = apical_face[coords].copy() = "cell" cell_df["is_alive"] = 1 basal_face = apical_face.copy() basal_face.index = basal_face.index + Nf basal_face[coords] = basal_face[coords] * 1 / 3.0 basal_face["segment"] = "basal" basal_face["is_alive"] = 1 apical_edge["cell"] = apical_edge["face"] basal_edge = apical_edge.copy() # ## Flip edge so that normals are outward basal_edge[["srce", "trgt"]] = basal_edge[["trgt", "srce"]] + Nv basal_edge["face"] = basal_edge["face"] + Nf basal_edge.index = basal_edge.index + Ne basal_edge["segment"] = "basal" lateral_face = pd.DataFrame( index=apical_edge.index + 2 * Nf, columns=apical_face.columns ) lateral_face["segment"] = "lateral" lateral_face["is_alive"] = 1 lateral_edge = pd.DataFrame( index=np.arange(2 * Ne, 6 * Ne), columns=apical_edge.columns ) lateral_edge["cell"] = np.repeat(apical_edge["cell"].values, 4) lateral_edge["face"] = np.repeat(lateral_face.index.values, 4) lateral_edge["segment"] = "lateral" lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne, 6 * Ne, 4), ["srce", "trgt"]] = apical_edge[ ["trgt", "srce"] ].values lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne + 1, 6 * Ne, 4), "srce"] = apical_edge[ "srce" ].values lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne + 1, 6 * Ne, 4), "trgt"] = basal_edge[ "trgt" ].values lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne + 2, 6 * Ne, 4), ["srce", "trgt"]] = basal_edge[ ["trgt", "srce"] ].values lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne + 3, 6 * Ne, 4), "srce"] = basal_edge[ "srce" ].values lateral_edge.loc[np.arange(2 * Ne + 3, 6 * Ne, 4), "trgt"] = apical_edge[ "trgt" ].values if method == "homotecy": basal_vert[coords] = basal_vert[coords] * scale elif method == "translation": for c, u in zip(coords, vector): basal_vert[c] = basal_vert[c] + u elif method == "normals": field = apical_edge.groupby("srce")[["nx", "ny", "nz"]].mean() field = -field.values * scale / np.linalg.norm(field, axis=1)[:, None] basal_vert[coords] = basal_vert[coords] + field else: raise ValueError( """ `method` argument not understood, supported values are 'homotecy', 'translation' or 'normals' """ ) datasets["cell"] = cell_df datasets["vert"] = pd.concat([apical_vert, basal_vert]) datasets["vert"]["is_active"] = 1 datasets["edge"] = pd.concat([apical_edge, basal_edge, lateral_edge]) datasets["face"] = pd.concat([apical_face, basal_face, lateral_face]) datasets["edge"]["is_active"] = 1 specs = bulk_spec() for elem in ["vert", "edge", "face", "cell"]: datasets[elem] = elem for col, value in specs[elem].items(): if not col in datasets[elem]: datasets[elem][col] = value if (method == "normals") and (scale < 0): datasets["edge"][["srce", "trgt"]] = datasets["edge"][["trgt", "srce"]] return datasets
[docs]def create_anchors(sheet): """Adds an edge linked to every vertices at the boundary and create anchor vertices """ anchor_specs = { "face": {"at_border": 0}, "vert": {"at_border": 0, "is_anchor": 0}, "edge": {"at_border": 0, "is_anchor": 0}, } sheet.update_specs(anchor_specs) # ## Edges with no opposites denote the boundary free_edge = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["opposite"] == -1] free_vert = sheet.vert_df.loc[free_edge["srce"]] free_face = sheet.face_df.loc[free_edge["face"]] sheet.edge_df.loc[free_edge.index, "at_border"] = 1 sheet.vert_df.loc[free_vert.index, "at_border"] = 1 sheet.face_df.loc[free_face.index, "at_border"] = 1 # ## Make a copy of the boundary vertices anchor_vert_df = free_vert.reset_index(drop=True) anchor_vert_df[sheet.coords] = anchor_vert_df[sheet.coords] * 1.01 anchor_vert_df.index = anchor_vert_df.index + sheet.Nv anchor_vert_df["is_anchor"] = 1 anchor_vert_df["at_border"] = 0 anchor_vert_df["is_active"] = 0 sheet.vert_df = pd.concat([sheet.vert_df, anchor_vert_df]) = "vert" anchor_edge_df = pd.DataFrame( index=np.arange(sheet.Ne, sheet.Ne + free_vert.shape[0]), columns=sheet.edge_df.columns, ) anchor_edge_df["srce"] = free_vert.index anchor_edge_df["trgt"] = anchor_vert_df.index anchor_edge_df["line_tension"] = 0 anchor_edge_df["is_anchor"] = 1 anchor_edge_df["face"] = -1 anchor_edge_df["at_border"] = 0 sheet.edge_df = pd.concat([sheet.edge_df, anchor_edge_df], sort=True) = "edge" sheet.reset_topo()
[docs]def subdivide_faces(eptm, faces): """Adds a vertex at the center of each face, and returns a new dataset Parameters ---------- eptm: a :class:`Epithelium` instance faces: list, indices of the faces to be subdivided Returns ------- new_dset: dict a dataset with the new faces devided """ face_df = eptm.face_df.loc[faces] remaining = eptm.face_df.index.delete(faces) untouched_faces = eptm.face_df.loc[remaining] edge_df = pd.concat([eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["face"] == face] for face in faces]) verts = set(edge_df["srce"]) vert_df = eptm.vert_df.loc[verts] Nsf = face_df.shape[0] Nse = edge_df.shape[0] eptm.vert_df["subdiv"] = 0 untouched_faces["subdiv"] = 0 eptm.edge_df["subdiv"] = 0 new_vs_idx = pd.Series(np.arange(eptm.Nv, eptm.Nv + Nsf), index=face_df.index) upcast_new_vs = new_vs_idx.loc[edge_df["face"]].values new_vs = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(np.arange(eptm.Nv, eptm.Nv + Nsf), name="vert"), columns=vert_df.columns, ) new_es = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(np.arange(eptm.Ne, eptm.Ne + 2 * Nse), name="edge"), columns=edge_df.columns, ) new_vs["subdiv"] = 1 # new_fs['subdiv'] = 1 new_es["subdiv"] = 1 if "cell" in edge_df.columns: new_es["cell"] = np.concatenate([edge_df["cell"], edge_df["cell"]]) new_vs[eptm.coords] = face_df[eptm.coords].values # eptm.edge_df.loc[edge_df.index, 'face'] = new_fs.index # new_es['face'] = np.concatenate([new_fs.index, # new_fs.index]) new_es["face"] = np.concatenate([edge_df["face"], edge_df["face"]]) new_es["srce"] = np.concatenate([edge_df["trgt"].values, upcast_new_vs]) new_es["trgt"] = np.concatenate([upcast_new_vs, edge_df["srce"].values]) new_dset = { "edge": pd.concat([eptm.edge_df, new_es]), "face": eptm.face_df, # pd.concat([untouched_faces, new_fs]), "vert": pd.concat([eptm.vert_df, new_vs]), } if "cell" in edge_df.columns: new_dset["cell"] = eptm.cell_df return new_dset