Source code for tyssue.generation.shapes

import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from scipy import interpolate

from .. import config
from ..core.sheet import Sheet, get_outer_sheet
from ..core.objects import get_prev_edges
from ..core.objects import Epithelium
from ..core.monolayer import Monolayer

from ..topology import type1_transition
from .from_voronoi import from_3d_voronoi
from ..geometry.bulk_geometry import BulkGeometry, ClosedMonolayerGeometry
from ..geometry.sheet_geometry import (

    from .cpp import mesh_generation
except ImportError:
    "CGAL-based mesh generation utilities not found, you may need to install"
    " CGAL and build from source"
    mesh_generation = None

from .modifiers import extrude
from ..utils import single_cell, swap_apico_basal

[docs]class AnnularSheet(Sheet): """2D annular model of a cylinder-like monolayer. Provides syntactic sugar to access the apical, basal and lateral segments of the epithlium """
[docs] def segment_index(self, segment, element): df = getattr(self, "{}_df".format(element)) return df[df["segment"] == segment].index
@property def lateral_edges(self): return self.segment_index("lateral", "edge") @property def apical_edges(self): return self.segment_index("apical", "edge") @property def basal_edges(self): return self.segment_index("basal", "edge") @property def apical_verts(self): return self.segment_index("apical", "vert") @property def basal_verts(self): return self.segment_index("basal", "vert")
[docs] def reset_topo(self): super().reset_topo() self.edge_df["prev"] = get_prev_edges(self)
[docs]def generate_ring(Nf, R_in, R_out, R_vit=None, apical="in"): """ Generates a 2D tyssue object aranged in a ring of Nf tetragonal cells with inner diameter R_in and outer diameter R_out Parameters ---------- Nf : int The number of cells in the tissue R_in : float The inner ring diameter R_out : float The outer ring diameter R_vit : float The vitelline membrane diameter (a non strechable membrane around the annulus) apical : str {'in' | 'out'} The side of the apical surface if "in", the apical surface is inside the annulus, facing the lumen as in an organoid; if 'out': the apical side is facing the exterior of the tissue, as in an embryo Returns ------- eptm : :class:`AnnularSheet` 2D annular tissue. The `R_in` and `R_out` parameters are stored in the class `settings` attribute. """ specs = config.geometry.planar_spec() specs["settings"] = specs.get("settings", {}) specs["settings"]["R_in"] = R_in specs["settings"]["R_out"] = R_out specs["settings"]["R_vit"] = R_vit Ne = Nf * 4 Nv = Nf * 2 vert_df = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(range(Nv), name="vert"), columns=specs["vert"].keys(), dtype=float, ) edge_df = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(range(Ne), name="edge"), columns=specs["edge"].keys(), dtype=float, ) face_df = pd.DataFrame( index=pd.Index(range(Nf), name="face"), columns=specs["face"].keys(), dtype=float, ) inner_edges = np.array( [ [f0, v0, v1] for f0, v0, v1 in zip(range(Nf), range(Nf), np.roll(range(Nf), -1)) ] ) outer_edges = np.zeros_like(inner_edges) outer_edges[:, 0] = inner_edges[:, 0] outer_edges[:, 1] = inner_edges[:, 2] + Nf outer_edges[:, 2] = inner_edges[:, 1] + Nf left_spokes = np.zeros_like(inner_edges) left_spokes[:, 0] = inner_edges[:, 0] left_spokes[:, 1] = outer_edges[:, 2] left_spokes[:, 2] = inner_edges[:, 1] right_spokes = np.zeros_like(inner_edges) right_spokes[:, 0] = inner_edges[:, 0] right_spokes[:, 1] = inner_edges[:, 2] right_spokes[:, 2] = outer_edges[:, 1] edges = np.concatenate([inner_edges, outer_edges, left_spokes, right_spokes]) edge_df[["face", "srce", "trgt"]] = edges edge_df[["face", "srce", "trgt"]] = edge_df[["face", "srce", "trgt"]].astype(int) thetas = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, Nf, endpoint=False) thetas += thetas[1] / 2 thetas = thetas[::-1] # Setting vertices position (turning clockwise for correct orientation) vert_df.loc[range(Nf), "x"] = R_in * np.cos(thetas) vert_df.loc[range(Nf), "y"] = R_in * np.sin(thetas) vert_df.loc[range(Nf, 2 * Nf), "x"] = R_out * np.cos(thetas) vert_df.loc[range(Nf, 2 * Nf), "y"] = R_out * np.sin(thetas) vert_df["segment"] = "basal" edge_df["segment"] = "basal" if apical == "out": edge_df.loc[range(Nf, 2 * Nf), "segment"] = "apical" vert_df.loc[range(Nf, 2 * Nf), "segment"] = "apical" elif apical == "in": edge_df.loc[range(Nf), "segment"] = "apical" vert_df.loc[range(Nf), "segment"] = "apical" else: raise ValueError( f"apical argument not understood," 'should be either "in" or "out", got {apical}' ) edge_df.loc[range(2 * Nf, 4 * Nf), "segment"] = "lateral" datasets = {"vert": vert_df, "edge": edge_df, "face": face_df} ring = AnnularSheet("ring", datasets, specs, coords=["x", "y"]) ring.reset_topo() return ring
""" Ellipsoid 2.5D sheet """
[docs]def ellipse_rho(theta, a, b): return ((a * math.sin(theta)) ** 2 + (b * math.cos(theta)) ** 2) ** 0.5
[docs]def get_ellipsoid_centers(a, b, c, n_zs, pos_err=0.0, phase_err=0.0): """ Creates hexagonaly organized points on the surface of an ellipsoid Parameters ---------- a, b, c: float ellipsoid radii along the x, y and z axes, respectively i.e the ellipsoid boounding box will be `[[-a, a], [-b, b], [-c, c]]` n_zs : float number of cells on the z axis, typical pos_err : float, default 0. normaly distributed noise of std. dev. pos_err is added to the centers positions phase_err : float, default 0. normaly distributed noise of std. dev. phase_err is added to the centers angle ϕ """ if b != a: warnings.warn( "Different half axes length along x and y" " axes are not supported at the moment" ) dist = c / n_zs theta = -np.pi / 2 thetas = [] while theta < np.pi / 2: theta = theta + dist / ellipse_rho(theta, a, c) thetas.append(theta) thetas = np.array(thetas).clip(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2) zs = c * np.sin(thetas) # np.linspace(-c, c, n_zs, endpoint=False) # thetas = np.arcsin(zs/c) av_rhos = (a + b) * np.cos(thetas) / 2 n_cells = np.ceil(av_rhos / dist).astype( phis = np.concatenate( [ np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nc, endpoint=False) + (np.pi / nc) * (i % 2) for i, nc in enumerate(n_cells) ] ) if phase_err > 0: phis += np.random.normal(scale=phase_err * np.pi, size=phis.shape) zs = np.concatenate([z * np.ones(nc) for z, nc in zip(zs, n_cells)]) thetas = np.concatenate([theta * np.ones(nc) for theta, nc in zip(thetas, n_cells)]) xs = a * np.cos(thetas) * np.cos(phis) ys = b * np.cos(thetas) * np.sin(phis) if pos_err > 0.0: xs += np.random.normal(scale=pos_err, size=thetas.shape) ys += np.random.normal(scale=pos_err, size=thetas.shape) zs += np.random.normal(scale=pos_err, size=thetas.shape) centers = np.vstack([xs, ys, zs]).T return centers
[docs]def ellipsoid_sheet(a, b, c, n_zs, **kwargs): """Creates an ellipsoidal apical mesh. Parameters ---------- a, b, c : floats Size of the ellipsoid half axes in the x, y, and z directions, respectively n_zs : int The (approximate) number of faces along the z axis. kwargs are passed to `get_ellipsoid_centers` Returns ------- eptm : a :class:`Epithelium` object The mesh returned is an `Epithelium` and not a simpler `Sheet` so that a unique cell data can hold information on the whole volume of the ellipsoid. """ centers = get_ellipsoid_centers(a, b, c, n_zs, **kwargs) eptm = sheet_from_cell_centers(centers) eptm.settings["abc"] = [a, b, c] EllipsoidGeometry.update_all(eptm) return eptm
[docs]def spherical_sheet(radius, Nf, **kwargs): """Returns a spherical sheet with the given radius and (approximately) the given number of cells """ centers = np.array(mesh_generation.make_spherical(Nf)) eptm = sheet_from_cell_centers(centers, **kwargs) rhos = (eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords] ** 2).sum(axis=1).mean() ClosedSheetGeometry.scale(eptm, radius / rhos, eptm.coords) ClosedSheetGeometry.update_all(eptm) return eptm
[docs]def spherical_monolayer(R_in, R_out, Nc, apical="out"): """Returns a spherical monolayer with the given inner and outer radii, and approximately the gieven number of cells. The `apical` argument can be 'in' out 'out' to specify wether the apical face of the cells faces inward or outward, reespectively. """ sheet = spherical_sheet(R_in, Nc) delta_R = R_out - R_in mono = Monolayer("mono", extrude(sheet.datasets, method="normals", scale=-delta_R)) if apical == "out": swap_apico_basal(mono) else: mono.settings["lumen_side"] = "apical" ClosedMonolayerGeometry.update_all(mono) return mono
[docs]def sheet_from_cell_centers(points, noise=0): """Returns a Sheet object from the Voronoï tessalation of the cell centers. The strategy is to project the points on a sphere, get the Voronoï tessalation on this sphere and reproject the vertices on the original (implicit) surface through linear interpolation of the cell centers. Works for relatively smooth surfaces (at the very minimum star convex). Parameters ---------- points : np.ndarray of shape (Nf, 3) the x, y, z coordinates of the cell centers noise : float, default 0.0 addiditve normal noise stdev Returns ------- sheet : a :class:`Sheet` object with Nf faces """ points = points.copy() if noise: points += np.random.normal(0, scale=noise, size=points.shape) points -= points.mean(axis=0) bbox = np.ptp(points, axis=0) points /= bbox rhos = np.linalg.norm(points, axis=1) thetas = np.arcsin(points[:, 2] / rhos) phis = np.arctan2(points[:, 0], points[:, 1]) sphere_rad = rhos.max() * 1.1 points_sphere = np.vstack( ( sphere_rad * np.cos(thetas) * np.cos(phis), sphere_rad * np.cos(thetas) * np.sin(phis), sphere_rad * np.sin(thetas), ) ).T points_sphere = np.concatenate(([[0, 0, 0]], points_sphere)) vor3D = Voronoi(points_sphere) dsets = from_3d_voronoi(vor3D) eptm_ = Epithelium("v", dsets) eptm_ = single_cell(eptm_, 0) eptm = get_outer_sheet(eptm_) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() eptm.vert_df["rho"] = np.linalg.norm(eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords], axis=1) mean_rho = eptm.vert_df["rho"].mean() SheetGeometry.scale(eptm, sphere_rad / mean_rho, ["x", "y", "z"]) SheetGeometry.update_all(eptm) eptm.face_df["phi"] = np.arctan2(eptm.face_df.y, eptm.face_df.x) eptm.face_df["rho"] = np.linalg.norm(eptm.face_df[["x", "y", "z"]], axis=1) eptm.face_df["theta"] = np.arcsin(eptm.face_df.z / eptm.face_df["rho"]) _itrp = interpolate.SmoothSphereBivariateSpline( thetas + np.pi / 2, phis + np.pi, rhos, s=1e-4 ) eptm.face_df["rho"] = _itrp( eptm.face_df["theta"] + np.pi / 2, eptm.face_df["phi"] + np.pi, grid=False ) eptm.face_df["x"] = eptm.face_df.eval("rho * cos(theta) * cos(phi)") eptm.face_df["y"] = eptm.face_df.eval("rho * cos(theta) * sin(phi)") eptm.face_df["z"] = eptm.face_df.eval("rho * sin(theta)") eptm.edge_df[["fx", "fy", "fz"]] = eptm.upcast_face(eptm.face_df[["x", "y", "z"]]) eptm.vert_df[["x", "y", "z"]] = eptm.edge_df.groupby("srce")[ ["fx", "fy", "fz"] ].mean() for i, c in enumerate("xyz"): eptm.vert_df[c] *= bbox[i] SheetGeometry.update_all(eptm) eptm.sanitize(trim_borders=True) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() SheetGeometry.update_all(eptm) null_length = eptm.edge_df.query("length == 0") while null_length.shape[0]: type1_transition(eptm, null_length.index[0]) SheetGeometry.update_all(eptm) null_length = eptm.edge_df.query("length == 0") return eptm