Source code for tyssue.geometry.bulk_geometry

import warnings
import numpy as np

from .sheet_geometry import SheetGeometry

from .utils import rotation_matrix
from ..utils import _to_3d
from ..core.sheet import Sheet

[docs]class BulkGeometry(SheetGeometry): """Geometry functions for 3D cell arangements """
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, eptm): """ Updates the eptm geometry by updating: * the edge vector coordinates * the edge lengths * the face centroids * the normals to each edge associated face * the face areas * the cell areas * the vertices heights (depends on geometry) * the face volumes (depends on geometry) """ cls.update_dcoords(eptm) cls.update_length(eptm) cls.update_perimeters(eptm) cls.update_centroid(eptm) cls.update_normals(eptm) cls.update_vol(eptm) cls.update_areas(eptm)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_dcoords(eptm): SheetGeometry.update_dcoords(eptm)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_vol(eptm): """ """ face_pos = eptm.edge_df[["f" + c for c in eptm.coords]].values cell_pos = eptm.edge_df[["c" + c for c in eptm.coords]].values eptm.edge_df["sub_vol"] = ( np.sum((face_pos - cell_pos) * eptm.edge_df[eptm.ncoords].values, axis=1) / 6 ) eptm.cell_df["vol"] = eptm.sum_cell(eptm.edge_df["sub_vol"])
[docs] @staticmethod def update_areas(eptm): # SheetGeometry.update_areas(eptm) eptm.edge_df["sub_area"] = ( np.linalg.norm(eptm.edge_df[eptm.ncoords], axis=1) / 2 ) eptm.face_df["area"] = eptm.sum_face(eptm.edge_df["sub_area"]) eptm.cell_df["area"] = eptm.sum_cell(eptm.edge_df["sub_area"])
[docs] @staticmethod def update_centroid(eptm): scoords = ["s" + c for c in eptm.coords] eptm.face_df[eptm.coords] = eptm.edge_df.groupby("face")[scoords].mean() face_pos = eptm.upcast_face(eptm.face_df[eptm.coords]) for c in eptm.coords: eptm.edge_df["f" + c] = face_pos[c] eptm.edge_df["r" + c] = eptm.edge_df["s" + c] - eptm.edge_df["f" + c] eptm.cell_df[eptm.coords] = eptm.edge_df.groupby("cell")[scoords].mean() cell_pos = eptm.upcast_cell(eptm.cell_df[eptm.coords]).values eptm.edge_df[["c" + c for c in eptm.coords]] = cell_pos
[docs] @staticmethod def validate_face_norms(eptm): fcoords = ["f" + c for c in eptm.coords] ccoords = ["c" + c for c in eptm.coords] face_pos = eptm.edge_df[fcoords].values cell_pos = eptm.edge_df[ccoords].values r_cf = face_pos - cell_pos r_cf["face"] = eptm.edge_df["face"] r_cf = r_cf.groupby("face").mean() face_norm = eptm.edge_df.groupby("face")[eptm.ncoords].mean() proj = (face_norm * r_cf.values).sum(axis=1) is_outward = proj >= 0 return is_outward
[docs]class RNRGeometry(BulkGeometry):
[docs] @staticmethod def update_centroid(eptm): scoords = ["s" + c for c in eptm.coords] tcoords = ["t" + c for c in eptm.coords] srce_pos = eptm.edge_df[scoords].values trgt_pos = eptm.edge_df[tcoords].values mid_pos = (srce_pos + trgt_pos) / 2 weighted_pos = eptm.sum_face(mid_pos * _to_3d(eptm.edge_df["length"])) eptm.face_df[eptm.coords] = ( weighted_pos.values / eptm.face_df["perimeter"].values[:, np.newaxis] ) face_pos = eptm.upcast_face(eptm.face_df[eptm.coords]) for c in eptm.coords: eptm.edge_df["f" + c] = face_pos[c] eptm.edge_df["r" + c] = eptm.edge_df["s" + c] - eptm.edge_df["f" + c] eptm.cell_df[eptm.coords] = eptm.edge_df.groupby("cell")[scoords].mean() cell_pos = eptm.upcast_cell(eptm.cell_df[eptm.coords]).values eptm.edge_df[["c" + c for c in eptm.coords]] = cell_pos
[docs]class MonolayerGeometry(RNRGeometry):
[docs] @staticmethod def basal_apical_axis(eptm, cell): """ Returns a unit vector allong the apical-basal axis of the cell """ edges = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == cell] srce_segments = eptm.vert_df.loc[edges["srce"], "segment"] srce_segments.index = edges.index trgt_segments = eptm.vert_df.loc[edges["trgt"], "segment"] trgt_segments.index = edges.index ba_edges = edges[(srce_segments == "apical") & (trgt_segments == "basal")] return ba_edges[eptm.dcoords].mean()
[docs] @classmethod def cell_projected_pos(cls, eptm, cell, psi=0): """Returns the positions of the cell vertices transformed such that the cell center sits at the coordinate system's origin and the basal-apical axis is the new `z` axis. """ ab_axis = cls.basal_apical_axis(eptm, cell) n_xy = np.linalg.norm(ab_axis[["dx", "dy"]]) theta = -np.arctan2(n_xy, direction = [ab_axis.dy, -ab_axis.dx, 0] rot = rotation_matrix(theta, direction) cell_verts = set(eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == cell]["srce"]) vert_pos = eptm.vert_df.loc[cell_verts, eptm.coords] for c in eptm.coords: vert_pos[c] -= eptm.cell_df.loc[cell, c] r1 =, rot) if abs(psi) < 1e-6: vert_pos[:] = r1 else: vert_pos[:] =, [0, 0, 1]), r1) return vert_pos
[docs]class MonoLayerGeometry(MonolayerGeometry): pass
[docs]class ClosedMonolayerGeometry(MonolayerGeometry):
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, eptm): """ Updates the eptm geometry by updating: * the edge vector coordinates * the edge lengths * the face centroids * the normals to each edge associated face * the face areas * the cell areas * the vertices heights (depends on geometry) * the face volumes (depends on geometry) """ super().update_all(eptm) cls.update_lumen_vol(eptm)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_lumen_vol(eptm): """ """ lumen_edges = eptm.edge_df[ eptm.edge_df.segment == eptm.settings.get("lumen_side", "basal") ].copy() lumen_pos_faces = lumen_edges[["f" + c for c in eptm.coords]].values lumen_sub_vol = ( np.sum((lumen_pos_faces) * lumen_edges[eptm.ncoords].values, axis=1) / 6 ) eptm.settings["lumen_vol"] = -lumen_sub_vol.sum()