Source code for tyssue.geometry.planar_geometry

import numpy as np
from .base_geometry import BaseGeometry

[docs]class PlanarGeometry(BaseGeometry): """Geomtetry methods for 2D planar cell arangements """
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, sheet): """ Updates the sheet geometry by updating: * the edge vector coordinates * the edge lengths * the face centroids * the normals to each edge associated face * the face areas """ cls.update_dcoords(sheet) cls.update_length(sheet) cls.update_centroid(sheet) cls.update_normals(sheet) cls.update_areas(sheet) cls.update_perimeters(sheet)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_normals(sheet): rcoords = ["r" + c for c in sheet.coords] dcoords = ["d" + c for c in sheet.coords] normals = np.cross(sheet.edge_df[rcoords], sheet.edge_df[dcoords]) sheet.edge_df["nz"] = normals
[docs] @staticmethod def update_areas(sheet): """ Updates the normal coordinate of each (srce, trgt, face) face. """ sheet.edge_df["sub_area"] = sheet.edge_df["nz"] / 2 sheet.face_df["area"] = sheet.sum_face(sheet.edge_df["sub_area"])
[docs] @staticmethod def face_projected_pos(sheet, face, psi): """ returns the sheet vertices position translated to center the face `face` at (0, 0) and rotated in the (x, y) plane by and angle `psi` radians """ rot_pos = sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords].copy() face_x, face_y = sheet.face_df.loc[face, ["x", "y"]] rot_pos.x = (sheet.vert_df.x - face_x) * np.cos(psi) - ( sheet.vert_df.y - face_y ) * np.sin(psi) rot_pos.y = (sheet.vert_df.x - face_x) * np.sin(psi) + ( sheet.vert_df.y - face_y ) * np.cos(psi) return rot_pos
[docs] @classmethod def get_phis(cls, sheet): if not "rx" in sheet.edge_df: cls.update_dcoords(sheet) cls.update_centroid(sheet) return np.arctan2(sheet.edge_df["ry"], sheet.edge_df["rx"])
# The following classes will probably be included in tyssue at some point
[docs]class AnnularGeometry(PlanarGeometry): """ """
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, eptm): PlanarGeometry.update_all(eptm) cls.update_lumen_volume(eptm)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_lumen_volume(eptm): srce_pos = eptm.upcast_srce(eptm.vert_df[["x", "y"]]).loc[eptm.apical_edges] trgt_pos = eptm.upcast_trgt(eptm.vert_df[["x", "y"]]).loc[eptm.apical_edges] apical_edge_pos = (srce_pos + trgt_pos) / 2 apical_edge_coords = eptm.edge_df.loc[eptm.apical_edges, ["dx", "dy"]] eptm.settings["lumen_volume"] = ( -apical_edge_pos["x"] * apical_edge_coords["dy"] + apical_edge_pos["y"] * apical_edge_coords["dx"] ).values.sum()