Source code for tyssue.geometry.sheet_geometry

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .planar_geometry import PlanarGeometry
from .utils import rotation_matrix, rotation_matrices

[docs]class SheetGeometry(PlanarGeometry): """Geometry definitions for 2D sheets in 3D """
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, sheet): """ Updates the sheet geometry by updating: * the edge vector coordinates * the edge lengths * the face centroids * the normals to each edge associated face * the face areas * the vertices heights (depends on geometry) * the face volumes (depends on geometry) """ cls.update_dcoords(sheet) cls.update_length(sheet) cls.update_centroid(sheet) cls.update_height(sheet) cls.update_normals(sheet) cls.update_areas(sheet) cls.update_perimeters(sheet) cls.update_vol(sheet)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_normals(sheet): """ Updates the face_df `coords` columns as the face's vertices center of mass. """ coords = sheet.coords r_ij = sheet.edge_df[["d" + c for c in coords]].to_numpy() r_ai = sheet.edge_df[["r" + c for c in coords]].to_numpy() normals = np.cross(r_ai, r_ij) sheet.edge_df[sheet.ncoords] = normals
[docs] @staticmethod def update_areas(sheet): """ Updates the normal coordniate of each (srce, trgt, face) face. """ sheet.edge_df["sub_area"] = ( np.linalg.norm(sheet.edge_df[sheet.ncoords], axis=1) / 2 ) sheet.face_df["area"] = sheet.sum_face(sheet.edge_df["sub_area"])
[docs] @staticmethod def update_vol(sheet): """ Note that this is an approximation of the sheet geometry module. """ sheet.edge_df["sub_vol"] = ( sheet.upcast_srce(sheet.vert_df["height"]) * sheet.edge_df["sub_area"] ) sheet.face_df["vol"] = sheet.sum_face(sheet.edge_df["sub_vol"])
[docs] @classmethod def update_height(cls, sheet): """ Update the height of the sheet vertices, based on the geometry specified in the sheet settings: `sheet.settings['geometry']` can be set to - `cylindrical`: the vertex height is measured with respect to the distance to the the axis specified in sheet.settings['height_axis'] (e.g `z`) - `flat`: the vertex height is measured with respect to the position on the axis specified in sheet.settings['height_axis'] - 'spherical': the vertex height is measured with respect to its distance to the coordinate system centers - 'rod': the vertex height is measured with respect to its distance to the coordinate height axis if between the focii, and from the closest focus otherwise. The focii positions are updated before the height update. In all the cases, this distance is shifted by an amount of `sheet.vert_df['basal_shift']` """ w = sheet.settings.get("height_axis", "z") geometry = sheet.settings.get("geometry", "cylindrical") u, v = (c for c in sheet.coords if c != w) if geometry == "cylindrical": sheet.vert_df["rho"] = np.hypot(sheet.vert_df[v], sheet.vert_df[u]) elif geometry == "flat": sheet.vert_df["rho"] = sheet.vert_df[w] elif geometry == "spherical": sheet.vert_df["rho"] = np.linalg.norm(sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords], axis=1) elif geometry == "rod": a, b = sheet.settings["ab"] w0 = b - a sheet.vert_df["rho"] = np.linalg.norm(sheet.vert_df[[u, v]], axis=1) sheet.vert_df["left_tip"] = sheet.vert_df[w] < -w0 sheet.vert_df["right_tip"] = sheet.vert_df[w] > w0 l_mask = sheet.vert_df[sheet.vert_df["left_tip"] == 1].index r_mask = sheet.vert_df[sheet.vert_df["right_tip"] == 1].index sheet.vert_df.loc[l_mask, "rho"] = cls.dist_to_point( sheet.vert_df.loc[l_mask], [0, 0, -w0], [u, v, w] ) sheet.vert_df.loc[r_mask, "rho"] = cls.dist_to_point( sheet.vert_df.loc[r_mask], [0, 0, w0], [u, v, w] ) elif sheet.settings["geometry"] == "surfacic": sheet.vert_df["rho"] = 1.0 sheet.vert_df["height"] = sheet.vert_df["rho"] - sheet.vert_df["basal_shift"] edge_height = sheet.upcast_srce(sheet.vert_df[["height", "rho"]]) edge_height.set_index(sheet.edge_df["face"], append=True, inplace=True) sheet.face_df[["height", "rho"]] = edge_height.mean(level="face")
[docs] @classmethod def reset_scafold(cls, sheet): """ Re-centers and (in the case of a rod sheet) resets the a-b parameters and tip masks """ w = sheet.settings["height_axis"] u, v = (c for c in sheet.coords if c != w) if sheet.settings["geometry"] == "rod": rho = np.linalg.norm(sheet.vert_df[[u, v]], axis=1) a = np.percentile(rho, 95) b = np.percentile(np.abs(sheet.vert_df[w]), 95) sheet.settings["ab"] = [a, b]
[docs] @staticmethod def face_rotation(sheet, face, psi=0): """Returns a 3D rotation matrix such that the face normal points in the z axis Parameters ---------- sheet: a :class:Sheet object face: int, the index of the face on which to rotate the sheet psi: float, Optional angle giving the rotation along the new `z` axis Returns ------- rotation: (3, 3) np.ndarray The rotation matrix """ normal = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face][sheet.ncoords].mean() normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) n_xy = np.linalg.norm(normal[["nx", "ny"]]) theta = -np.arctan2(n_xy, direction = [normal.ny, -normal.nx, 0] r1 = rotation_matrix(theta, direction) if psi == 0: return r1 else: return, [0, 0, 1]), r1)
[docs] @staticmethod def face_projected_pos(sheet, face, psi=0): """Returns the position of a face vertices projected on a plane perpendicular to the face normal, and translated so that the face center is at the center of the coordinate system Parameters ---------- sheet: a :class:Sheet object face: int, the index of the face on which to rotate the sheet psi: float, Optional angle giving the rotation along the `z` axis Returns ------- rot_pos: pd.DataFrame The rotated, relative positions of the face's vertices """ face_orbit = sheet.edge_df[sheet.edge_df["face"] == face]["srce"] rel_pos = ( sheet.vert_df.loc[face_orbit.to_numpy(), sheet.coords].to_numpy() - sheet.face_df.loc[face, sheet.coords].to_numpy() ) _, _, rotation = np.linalg.svd(rel_pos.astype(np.float), full_matrices=False) if psi: rotation =, [0, 0, 1]), rotation) rot_pos = pd.DataFrame(, rotation.T), index=face_orbit, columns=sheet.coords ) return rot_pos
[docs] @classmethod def face_rotations(cls, sheet, method="normal"): """Returns the (sheet.Ne, 3, 3) array of rotation matrices such that each rotation returns a coordinate system (u, v, w) where the face vertices are mostly in the u, v plane. If method is 'normal', face is oriented with it's normal along w if method is 'svd', the u, v, w is determined through singular value decompostion of the face vertices relative positions. svd is slower but more effective at reducing face dimensionality. """ if method == "normal": return cls.normal_rotations(sheet) elif method == "svd": return cls.svd_rotations(sheet) else: raise ValueError("method can be either 'normal' or 'svd' ")
[docs] @staticmethod def normal_rotations(sheet): """Returns the (sheet.Ne, 3, 3) array of rotation matrices such that each rotation aligns the coordinate system along each face normals """ face_normals = sheet.edge_df.groupby("face")[sheet.ncoords].mean() rot_angles = face_normals.eval("-arctan2((nx**2 + ny**2), nz)").to_numpy() rot_axis = np.vstack([face_normals.ny, -face_normals.nx, np.zeros(sheet.Nf)]).T norm = np.linalg.norm(rot_axis, axis=1) if abs(norm).max() < 1e-10: # No rotation needed return norm = norm.clip(min=1e-10) rot_axis /= norm[:, None] r_mats = rotation_matrices(rot_angles, rot_axis) # upcast rotations = r_mats.take(sheet.edge_df["face"], axis=0) return rotations
[docs] @staticmethod def svd_rotations(sheet): """Returns the (sheet.Ne, 3, 3) array of rotation matrices such that each rotation aligns the coordinate system according to each face vertex SVD """ svd_rot = sheet.edge_df.groupby("face").apply(face_svd_) svd_rot = ( np.concatenate(svd_rot) .reshape((-1, 3, 3)) .take(sheet.edge_df["face"], axis=0) ) return svd_rot
[docs] @classmethod def get_phis(cls, sheet, method="normal"): """Returns the angle of the vertices in the plane perpendicular to each face normal. For not-too-deformed faces, sorting vertices by this gives clockwize orientation. I think not-too-deformed means starconvex here. The 'method' argument is passed to face_rotations """ rel_srce_pos = sheet.edge_df[["r" + c for c in sheet.coords]] rots = cls.face_rotations(sheet, method) if rots is None: rotated = rel_srce_pos.to_numpy() else: rotated = np.einsum("ikj, ik -> ij", rots, rel_srce_pos) return np.arctan2(rotated[:, 1], rotated[:, 0])
[docs]class ClosedSheetGeometry(SheetGeometry): """Geometry for a closed 2.5D sheet. Apart from the geometry update from a normal sheet, the enclosed volume is also computed. The value is stored in `sheet.settings["lumen_vol"]` """
[docs] @classmethod def update_all(cls, sheet): super().update_all(sheet) cls.update_lumen_vol(sheet)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_lumen_vol(sheet): lumen_pos_faces = sheet.edge_df[["f" + c for c in sheet.coords]].to_numpy() lumen_sub_vol = ( np.sum((lumen_pos_faces) * sheet.edge_df[sheet.ncoords].to_numpy(), axis=1) / 6 ) sheet.settings["lumen_vol"] = sum(lumen_sub_vol)
[docs]class EllipsoidGeometry(ClosedSheetGeometry):
[docs] @staticmethod def update_height(eptm): a, b, c = eptm.settings["abc"] eptm.vert_df["theta"] = np.arcsin((eptm.vert_df.z / c).clip(-1, 1)) eptm.vert_df["vitelline_rho"] = a * np.cos(eptm.vert_df["theta"]) eptm.vert_df["basal_shift"] = ( eptm.vert_df["vitelline_rho"] - eptm.specs["vert"]["basal_shift"] ) eptm.vert_df["delta_rho"] = ( np.linalg.norm(eptm.vert_df[["x", "y"]], axis=1) - eptm.vert_df["vitelline_rho"] ).clip(lower=0) SheetGeometry.update_height(eptm)
[docs] @staticmethod def scale(eptm, scale, coords): SheetGeometry.scale(eptm, scale, coords) eptm.settings["abc"] = [u * scale for u in eptm.settings["abc"]]
[docs]def face_svd_(faces): rel_pos = faces[["rx", "ry", "rz"]] _, _, rotation = np.linalg.svd(rel_pos.astype(np.float), full_matrices=False) return rotation