Source code for tyssue.core.sheet

An epithelial sheet, i.e a 2D mesh in a 2D or 3D space,
akin to a HalfEdge data structure in CGAL.

For purely 2D the geometric properties are defined in
A dynamical model derived from Fahradifar et al. 2007 is provided in

For 2D in 3D, the geometric properties are defined in
A dynamical model derived from Monier, Gettings et al. 2015 is provided in


import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.linalg as linalg
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from ..config.geometry import flat_sheet
from .objects import Epithelium

[docs]class Sheet(Epithelium): """ An epithelial sheet, i.e a 2D mesh in a 2D or 3D space, akin to a HalfEdge data structure in CGAL. The geometric properties are defined in `tyssue.geometry.sheet_geometry` A dynamical model derived from Fahradifar et al. 2007 is provided in `tyssue.dynamics.sheet_vertex_model` """ def __init__(self, identifier, datasets, specs=None, coords=None): """ Creates an epithelium sheet, such as the apical junction network. Parameters ---------- identifier: `str`, the tissue name face_df: `pandas.DataFrame` indexed by the faces indexes this df holds the vertices associated with """ if specs is None: specs = flat_sheet() super().__init__(identifier, datasets, specs, coords)
[docs] def reset_topo(self): super().reset_topo() if "opposite" in self.edge_df.columns: self.edge_df["opposite"] = get_opposite(self.edge_df)
[docs] def get_opposite(self): self.edge_df["opposite"] = get_opposite(self.edge_df)
[docs] def get_neighbors(self, face, elem="face"): """Returns the faces adjacent to `face`.""" return super().get_neighbors(face, elem=elem)
[docs] def get_neighborhood(self, face, order, elem="face"): """Returns `face` neighborhood up to a degree of `order`. For example, if `order` is 2, it wil return the adjacent, faces and theses faces neighbors. Returns ------- neighbors : pd.DataFrame with two colums, the index of the neighboring face, and it's neighboring order """ # Start with the face so that it's not gathered later return super().get_neighborhood(face, order, elem=elem)
[docs] def get_extra_indices(self): """Computes extra indices: - `self.free_edges`: half-edges at the epithelium boundary - `self.dble_edges`: half-edges inside the epithelium, with an opposite - `self.east_edges`: half of the `dble_edges`, pointing east (figuratively) - `self.west_edges`: half of the `dble_edges`, pointing west (the order of the east and west edges is conserved, so that the ith west half-edge is the opposite of the ith east half-edge) - `self.sgle_edges`: joint index over free and east edges, spanning the entire graph without double edges - `self.wrpd_edges`: joint index over free edges followed by the east edges twice, such that a vector over the whole half-edge dataframe is wrapped over the single edges - `self.srtd_edges`: index over the whole half-edge sorted such that the free edges come first, then the east, then the west Also computes: - `self.Ni`: the number of inside full edges (i.e. `len(self.east_edges)`) - `self.No`: the number of outside full edges (i.e. `len(self.free_edges)`) - `self.Nd`: the number of double half edges (i.e. `len(self.dble_edges)`) - `self.anti_sym`: `pd.Series` with shape `(self.Ne,)` with 1 at the free and east half-edges and -1 at the opposite half-edges. Notes ----- - East and west is resepctive to some orientation at the moment the indices are computed the partition stays valid as long as there are no changes in the topology, so due to vertex displacement, 'east' and 'west' might not stay valid. This is just a practical naming convention. - As the name suggest, this method is not working for edges in 3D pointing *exactly* north or south, ie iff `edge['dx'] == edge['dy'] == 0`. Until we need or find a better solution, we'll just assert it worked. """ self.edge_df["opposite"] = get_opposite(self.edge_df) # noise to avoid degeneracies noise = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=1e-10, size=(self.Ne, self.dim)) self.edge_df[self.dcoords] *= noise self.dble_edges = self.edge_df[self.edge_df["opposite"] >= 0].index theta = np.arctan2( self.edge_df.loc[self.dble_edges, "dy"], self.edge_df.loc[self.dble_edges, "dx"], ) self.east_edges = self.edge_df.loc[self.dble_edges][ (theta > 0) & (theta <= np.pi) ].index self.west_edges = pd.Index( self.edge_df.loc[self.east_edges, "opposite"].astype(int), name="edge" ) self.free_edges = self.edge_df[self.edge_df["opposite"] == -1].index self.sgle_edges = self.free_edges.append(self.east_edges) self.srtd_edges = self.sgle_edges.append(self.west_edges) # Index over the east and free edges, then the opposite indexed # by their east counterpart self.wrpd_edges = self.sgle_edges.append(self.east_edges) self.Ni = self.east_edges.size # number of inside (east) edges self.Nd = self.dble_edges.size # number of non free half edges self.No = self.free_edges.size # number of free halfedges try: assert (2 * self.Ni + self.No) == self.Ne assert self.west_edges.size == self.Ni assert self.Nd == 2 * self.Ni # - BC -# # Not sure how to build # input data so the partition # fails (so we can see # if the exception is # correctly raised). # Leaving it in the coverage # anyway. except AssertionError: raise AssertionError( """ Inconsistent partition: total half-edges: %s number of free: %s number of east: %s number of west: %s""" % (self.Ne, self.No, self.Ni, self.west_edges.size) ) # Anti symetric vector (1 at east and free edges, -1 at opposite) self.anti_sym = pd.Series(np.ones(self.Ne), index=self.edge_df.index) self.anti_sym.loc[self.west_edges] = -1 self.edge_df[self.dcoords] /= noise
[docs] def sort_edges_eastwest(self): """reorder edges such the free edges are first, then the first half of the double edges, then the other half of the double edges, this way, each subset of the edges dataframe are contiguous. """ self.get_extra_indices() self.edge_df = self.edge_df.loc[self.srtd_edges] self.reset_index(order=False) self.reset_topo() self.get_extra_indices()
[docs] def extract(self, face_mask, coords=["x", "y", "z"]): """Extract a new sheet from the sheet that correspond to a key word that define a face. Parameters ---------- face_mask : column name in face composed by boolean value coords : Returns ------- sheet_fold_patch_extract : subsheet corresponding to the fold patch area. """ datasets = {} mask = self.face_df[face_mask].astype(bool) datasets["face"] = self.face_df[mask].copy() datasets["edge"] = self.edge_df[ self.edge_df["face"].isin(datasets["face"].index) ].copy() datasets["vert"] = self.vert_df.loc[self.edge_df["srce"].unique()].copy() subsheet = Sheet("subsheet", datasets, self.specs) subsheet.reset_index() subsheet.reset_topo() return subsheet
[docs] def extract_bounding_box( self, x_boundary=None, y_boundary=None, z_boundary=None, coords=["x", "y", "z"] ): """Extracts a new sheet from the embryo sheet that correspond to boundary coordinate define by the user. Parameters ---------- x_boundary : pair of floats y_boundary : pair of floats z_boundary : pair of floats coords : list of strings, default ['x', 'y', 'z'] coordinates over which to crop the sheet Returns ------- subsheet : a new :class:`Sheet` object """ x, y, z = coords datasets = {} datasets["face"] = self.face_df.copy() if x_boundary is not None: xmin, xmax = x_boundary datasets["face"] = datasets["face"][ (datasets["face"][x] > xmin) & (datasets["face"][x] < xmax) ].copy() if y_boundary is not None: ymin, ymax = y_boundary datasets["face"] = datasets["face"][ (datasets["face"][y] > ymin) & (datasets["face"][y] < ymax) ].copy() if z_boundary is not None: zmin, zmax = z_boundary datasets["face"] = datasets["face"][ (datasets["face"][z] > zmin) & (datasets["face"][z] < zmax) ].copy() datasets["edge"] = self.edge_df[ self.edge_df["face"].isin(datasets["face"].index) ].copy() datasets["vert"] = self.vert_df.loc[self.edge_df["srce"].unique()].copy() subsheet = Sheet("subsheet", datasets, self.specs) subsheet.reset_index() subsheet.reset_topo() return subsheet
[docs] def extract_bounding_box_2dellipse(self, r_x, r_y, coords=["x", "y"]): """Extracts a new sheet from the embryo sheet that correspond to boundary coordinate defined by the user. Parameters ---------- r_x : size of major/minor axis in x-direction r_y : size of major/minor axis in y-direction coords : list of strings, default ['x', 'y', 'z'] coordinates over which to crop the sheet Returns ------- subsheet : a new :class:`Sheet` object """ x, y = coords datasets = {} datasets["face"] = self.face_df.copy() center_x = (self.face_df["x"].max() + self.face_df["x"].min()) / 2.0 center_y = (self.face_df["y"].max() + self.face_df["y"].min()) / 2.0 x = datasets["face"]["x"] y = datasets["face"]["y"] in_boundary = ( (x - center_x) ** 2 / (r_x**2) + (y - center_y) ** 2 / (r_y**2) ) <= 1 datasets["face"] = datasets["face"].loc[in_boundary] datasets["edge"] = self.edge_df[ self.edge_df["face"].isin(datasets["face"].index) ].copy() datasets["vert"] = self.vert_df.loc[self.edge_df["srce"].unique()].copy() subsheet = Sheet("subsheet", datasets, self.specs) subsheet.reset_index() subsheet.reset_topo() return subsheet
[docs] def get_force_inference(self, coords=None, column=None, free_border_edges=False): """Measure force based on Brodland method. g_gamma_matrix*tension_vector = 0 Equation is homogenous and to avoid tension_vectors = 0, Construction and solve the constrained least-squares equation system [[g_gamma_matrix.T g_gamma_matrix, C^T_1], [C_1, 0]] où C1 = {1....1} shape of g_gamma_matrix = (Ne/2, Nv*len(coords)) .. note:: Results might not be consistens for highly curved epithelium Parameters ---------- coords: coordinates column: None, specify a column name in edge_df to put tension value free_border_edges: bool, default False, take into account edges in the border of the tissue if True Returns ------- edges_tensions: tension values array if `column` not define """ if coords is None: coords = self.coords ndim = len(coords) ucoords = ["u" + c for c in coords] self.get_extra_indices() edges_index = self.east_edges.to_numpy() edges_index_opposite = self.west_edges.to_numpy() if free_border_edges: edges_lonely = self.free_edges.to_numpy() edges_index = np.concatenate((edges_index, edges_lonely)) n_edges = len(edges_index) srce, trgt = self.edge_df.loc[edges_index, ["srce", "trgt"]].to_numpy().T # Fill gamma matrix to measure tension pos = self.edge_df.loc[edges_index, ucoords].to_numpy() pos = np.concatenate((pos, -pos)).flatten() row = np.concatenate( ( np.vstack([srce * ndim + i for i in range(ndim)]).T.flatten(), np.vstack([trgt * ndim + i for i in range(ndim)]).T.flatten(), ) ) col = np.concatenate( (np.repeat(np.arange(n_edges), ndim), np.repeat(np.arange(n_edges), ndim)) ) g_gamma_matrix = coo_matrix((pos, (row, col))).toarray() p = np.ones((n_edges + 1, n_edges + 1)) # get g_gamma_matrix.T g_gamma_matrix g_gamma_matrix_dot =, g_gamma_matrix) p[0:n_edges, 0:n_edges] = g_gamma_matrix_dot p[n_edges, n_edges] = 0 q = np.zeros((n_edges + 1, 1)) q[n_edges, 0] = n_edges # Compute QR decomposition of a matrix. r1, r2 = linalg.qr(p) y =, q) x = linalg.solve(r2, y) tension = x[0:n_edges][:, 0] edges_tensions = np.full([self.Ne], np.nan) edges_tensions[edges_index] = tension if free_border_edges: edges_tensions[edges_index_opposite] = tension[: len(edges_index_opposite)] else: edges_tensions[edges_index_opposite] = tension if column is None: return edges_tensions else: self.edge_df[column] = edges_tensions
[docs] @classmethod def planar_sheet_2d(cls, identifier, nx, ny, distx, disty, noise=None): """Creates a planar sheet from an hexagonal grid of cells. Parameters ---------- identifier : string nx, ny : int number of cells in the x and y axes distx, disty : float, the distances in x and y between the cells noise : float, default None position noise on the hexagonal grid Returns ------- planar_sheet: a 2D :class:`Sheet` instance in the (x, y) plane """ from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from ..config.geometry import planar_spec from ..generation import from_2d_voronoi, hexa_grid2d grid = hexa_grid2d(nx, ny, distx, disty, noise) datasets = from_2d_voronoi(Voronoi(grid)) return cls(identifier, datasets, specs=planar_spec(), coords=["x", "y"])
[docs] @classmethod def planar_sheet_3d(cls, identifier, nx, ny, distx, disty, noise=None): """Creates a planar sheet from an hexagonal grid of cells. Parameters ---------- identifier : string nx, ny : int number of cells in the x and y axes distx, disty : float, the distances in x and y between the cells noise : float, default None position noise on the hexagonal grid Returns ------- flat_sheet: a 2.5D :class:`Sheet` instance """ from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from ..config.geometry import flat_sheet from ..generation import from_2d_voronoi, hexa_grid2d grid = hexa_grid2d(nx, ny, distx, disty, noise) datasets = from_2d_voronoi(Voronoi(grid)) datasets["vert"]["z"] = 0 datasets["face"]["z"] = 0 return cls(identifier, datasets, specs=flat_sheet(), coords=["x", "y", "z"])
[docs]def get_opposite(edge_df, raise_if_invalid=False): """ Returns the indices opposite to the edges in `edge_df` """ st_indexed = ( edge_df[["srce", "trgt"]].reset_index().set_index(["srce", "trgt"], drop=False) ) flipped = st_indexed.index.swaplevel(0, 1) flipped.names = ["srce", "trgt"] try: opposite = st_indexed.reindex(flipped)["edge"].values except ValueError as e: dup = flipped.duplicated() warnings.warn( "Duplicated (`srce`, `trgt`) values in edge_df, maybe sanitize your input" ) opposite = st_indexed[~dup].reindex(flipped)["edge"].values if raise_if_invalid: raise e opposite[np.isnan(opposite)] = -1 return opposite.astype(int)
[docs]def get_outer_sheet(eptm): """Return a Sheet object formed by all the faces w/o an opposite face. """ eptm.get_opposite_faces() is_free_face = eptm.face_df["opposite"] == -1 is_free_edge = eptm.upcast_face(is_free_face) edge_df = eptm.edge_df[is_free_edge].copy() face_df = eptm.face_df[is_free_face].copy() vert_df = eptm.vert_df.loc[edge_df["srce"].unique()].copy() datasets = {"edge": edge_df, "face": face_df, "vert": vert_df} specs = {k: eptm.specs.get(k, {}) for k in ["face", "edge", "vert", "settings"]} return Sheet(eptm.identifier + "outer", datasets, specs)