Source code for tyssue.draw

from .ipv_draw import browse_history  # noqa
from .ipv_draw import sheet_view as sheet_view_3d  # noqa
from .plt_draw import create_gif, plot_forces, quick_edge_draw  # noqa
from .plt_draw import sheet_view as sheet_view_2d  # noqa
from .vispy_draw import sheet_view as sheet_view_vispy  # noqa

[docs]def sheet_view(sheet, coords=["x", "y", "z"], ax=None, mode="2D", **draw_specs_kw): """Main plotting function in 2D or 3D. Parameters ---------- sheet: :class:`Epithelium` instance coords: list of strings, the coordinates over which to do the plot ax: :class:matplotlib.Axes instance, default None axis over which to plot the sheet, for quick and mode: str, {'2D'|'quick'|'3D'|'vispy'}, default '2D' the type of graph to plot (see bellow) Returns ------- fig, {ax|meshes}: """ if mode == "2D": return sheet_view_2d(sheet, coords[:2], ax, **draw_specs_kw) if mode == "quick": edge_kw = draw_specs_kw.get("edge", {}) return quick_edge_draw(sheet, coords[:2], ax, **edge_kw) if mode == "3D": return sheet_view_3d(sheet, coords, **draw_specs_kw) if mode == "vispy": return sheet_view_vispy(sheet, coords, **draw_specs_kw) return ValueError( """ Argument `mode` not understood, should be either '2D', '3D', 'quick' or 'vispy', got %s""", mode, )
[docs]def highlight_cells(eptm, cells, reset_visible=False): """Sets a column 'visible' to True for all the faces of the cells passed as argument (for a 3D tyssue). If no such column exists in eptm.face_df, creates it. """ if reset_visible: eptm.face_df["visible"] = False if not hasattr(cells, "__iter__"): cells = [cells] for cell in cells: cell_faces = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == cell]["face"] highlight_faces(eptm.face_df, cell_faces, reset_visible=False)
[docs]def highlight_faces(face_df, faces, reset_visible=False): """ Sets the faces visibility to 1 If `reset_visible` is `True`, sets all the other faces to `visible = False` """ if ("visible" not in face_df.columns) or reset_visible: face_df["visible"] = False face_df.loc[faces, "visible"] = True