Source code for tyssue.geometry.base_geometry

import numpy as np

from ..utils.utils import to_nd

[docs]class BaseGeometry: """ """
[docs] @staticmethod def update_all(sheet): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @staticmethod def scale(sheet, delta, coords): """Scales the coordinates `coords` by a factor `delta` """ sheet.vert_df[coords] = sheet.vert_df[coords] * delta
[docs] @staticmethod def update_dcoords(sheet): """ Update the edge vector coordinates on the `coords` basis (`default_coords` by default). Modifies the corresponding columns (i.e `['dx', 'dy', 'dz']`) in sheet.edge_df. Also updates the upcasted coordinates of the source and target vertices """ if sheet.settings.get("boundaries") is None: data = sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords] srce_pos = sheet.upcast_srce(data) trgt_pos = sheet.upcast_trgt(data) sheet.edge_df[["s" + c for c in sheet.coords]] = srce_pos sheet.edge_df[["t" + c for c in sheet.coords]] = trgt_pos sheet.edge_df[sheet.dcoords] = trgt_pos - srce_pos else: update_periodic_dcoords(sheet)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_ucoords(sheet): sheet.edge_df[sheet.ucoords] = sheet.edge_df[sheet.dcoords] / to_nd( sheet.edge_df["length"], sheet.dim )
[docs] @staticmethod def update_length(sheet): """ Updates the edge_df `length` column on the `coords` basis """ sheet.edge_df["length"] = np.linalg.norm(sheet.edge_df[sheet.dcoords], axis=1)
[docs] @staticmethod def update_perimeters(sheet): """ Updates the perimeter of each face. """ sheet.face_df["perimeter"] = sheet.sum_face(sheet.edge_df["length"])
[docs] @staticmethod def update_centroid(sheet): """ Updates the face_df `coords` columns as the face's vertices center of mass. Also updates the edge_df fx, fy, fz columns with their upcasted values """ scoords = ["s" + c for c in sheet.coords] sheet.face_df[sheet.coords] = sheet.edge_df.groupby("face")[scoords].mean() face_pos = sheet.upcast_face(sheet.face_df[sheet.coords]) for c in sheet.coords: sheet.edge_df["f" + c] = face_pos[c] sheet.edge_df["r" + c] = sheet.edge_df["s" + c] - sheet.edge_df["f" + c]
[docs] @staticmethod def center(eptm): """ Transates the epithelium vertices so that the center of mass is at the center of the coordinate system, and updates the geometry """ eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords] = ( eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords].values - eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords].mean(axis=0).values[np.newaxis, :] )
[docs] @staticmethod def dist_to_point(vert_df, point, coords): """ Returns the distance of all vertices from point over the coordinates Parameters ---------- vert_df: a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` with the points coordinates in the columns given by the `coords` argument point: a doublet (in 2D) or triplet (in 3D) giving the reference point coordinates coords: list of 2 or 3 strings giving the column names Returns ------- distance: a :class:`pandas.Series` with the same length as the input `vert_df` """ return sum(((vert_df[c] - u) ** 2 for c, u in zip(coords, point))) ** 0.5
[docs]def update_periodic_dcoords(sheet): """Updates the coordinates for periodic boundary conditions.""" for u, boundary in sheet.settings["boundaries"].items(): period = boundary[1] - boundary[0] shift = period * ( -(sheet.vert_df[u] > boundary[1]).astype(float) + (sheet.vert_df[u] <= boundary[0]).astype(float) ) sheet.vert_df[u] = sheet.vert_df[u] + shift srce_pos = sheet.upcast_srce(sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords]) trgt_pos = sheet.upcast_trgt(sheet.vert_df[sheet.coords]) sheet.edge_df[["s" + u for u in sheet.coords]] = srce_pos sheet.edge_df[["t" + u for u in sheet.coords]] = trgt_pos sheet.edge_df[sheet.dcoords] = trgt_pos - srce_pos for u, boundary in sheet.settings["boundaries"].items(): period = boundary[1] - boundary[0] center = boundary[1] - period / 2 shift = period * ( -(sheet.edge_df["d" + u] >= period / 2).astype(float) + (sheet.edge_df["d" + u] < -period / 2).astype(float) ) sheet.edge_df["d" + u] = sheet.edge_df["d" + u] + shift sheet.edge_df[f"at_{u}_boundary"] = shift != 0 sheet.face_df[f"at_{u}_boundary"] = sheet.edge_df.groupby("face")[ f"at_{u}_boundary" ].apply(any) f_at_boundary = sheet.upcast_face(sheet.face_df[f"at_{u}_boundary"]).astype(int) period = boundary[1] - boundary[0] srce_shift = f_at_boundary * (sheet.edge_df["s" + u] < center) * period trgt_shift = f_at_boundary * (sheet.edge_df["t" + u] < center) * period sheet.edge_df["s" + u] += srce_shift sheet.edge_df["t" + u] += trgt_shift