Source code for tyssue.particles.point_cloud

"""Utilities to generate point clouds

The positions of the points are generated along the architecture
of the epithelium.
from collections import abc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..config.subdiv import bulk_spec

[docs]class EdgeSubdiv: """ Container class to ease discretisation along the edges """ def __init__(self, edge_df, **kwargs): """Creates an indexer and an offset array to ease discretisation along the edges. Parameters ---------- edge_df: pd.DataFrame, Keyword parameters ------------------ density: number of points per edge Attributes ---------- upcaster: np.ndarray, shape (Np,) edge indices repeated to match the lookup table offset: np.ndarray, shape (Np,) piecewise linear offset along the edges, such that ::math:M_{ij}^n = offset[n]*r_{ij}: """ self.edge_df = edge_df.copy() self.n_edges = self.edge_df.shape[0] self.specs = bulk_spec() self.specs.update(**kwargs) self.unit_length = edge_df.length.mean() if "density" not in edge_df: self.edge_df["density"] = self.specs["density"] self.n_points = 0 self.points = None self.offset_lut = None self.update_all()
[docs] def update_all(self): self.update_offset_lut() self.update_particles() self.update_upcaster() self.update_offset()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_eptm_edges(eptm, **kwargs): """Creates an EdgeSubdiv instance and computes the point grid allong the edges from the source vertex to its target. Returns ------- subdiv: a :class:`EdgeSubdiv` instance """ subdiv = EdgeSubdiv(eptm.edge_df[["length", "density"]], **kwargs) srce_pos = eptm.upcast_srce(eptm.vert_df[eptm.coords]) r_ij = eptm.edge_df[eptm.dcoords] subdiv.edge_point_cloud(srce_pos, r_ij) return subdiv
@staticmethod def _offset_lut_(num): return np.arange(0.5, num + 0.5) / num
[docs] def update_offset_lut(self, offset_lut=None): """ Updates the density lookup table function. The `offset_lut` can be any function with a single `num` argument Parameters ---------- offset_lut: function, default None, edge-wise function of the number of points giving the offset positions Default is a shifted regular grid: `np.arange(0.5, num+0.5) / num` """ if offset_lut is None: self.offset_lut = self._offset_lut_ else: self.offset_lut = offset_lut
[docs] def update_particles(self): """ * Updates the number of particles per edge from edges length and density values: `num_particles = length * density` * Also updates the self.points df """ self.edge_df["norm_length"] = self.edge_df["length"] / self.unit_length points_per_edges = np.round(self.edge_df.eval("norm_length * density")).astype( ) self.edge_df["num_particles"] = points_per_edges self.n_points = points_per_edges.sum() self.points = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((self.n_points, 2)), columns=["upcaster", "offset"] )
[docs] def update_upcaster(self): """ resets the 'upcaster' column of self.points, 'upcaster' indexes over self.edge_df repeated to upcast data from the edge df to the points df """ self.points["upcaster"] = np.repeat( np.arange(self.edge_df.shape[0]), self.edge_df["num_particles"] )
[docs] def update_offset(self): self.points["offset"] = np.concatenate( [self.offset_lut(num=ns) for ns in self.edge_df["num_particles"]] )
[docs] def validate(self): if not self.points["upcaster"].max() + 1 == self.n_edges: return False if not self.points["upcaster"].shape[0] == self.n_points: return False if not self.points["offset"].shape()[0] == self.n_points: return False return True
[docs] def upcast(self, df): if isinstance(df, str) and df in self.edge_df: return self.edge_df.loc[self.points["upcaster"], df] elif ( isinstance(df, abc.Iterable) and isinstance(df[0], str) and set(df).issubset(self.edge_df.columns) ): return self.edge_df.loc[self.points["upcaster"], df] elif hasattr(df, "loc"): return df.loc[self.points["upcaster"]] else: raise ValueError( """ Argument df should be a column name or a sequence of column names or a Series or Dataframe indexed like self.edge_df """ )
[docs] def edge_point_cloud( self, srce_pos, r_ij, offset_modulation=None, modulation_kwargs=None, coords=["x", "y", "z"], dcoords=["dx", "dy", "dz"], ): """Generates a point cloud along the edges of the epithelium. if a offset_modulation function is provided, it is used to transform the offsets Parameters ---------- srce_pos: DataFrame of shape (self.Ne, ndim) with the origins of the points for each edge (usually the edge upcasted source vertex) r_ij: DataFrame of shape (self.Ne, ndim) the edge vector coordiantes offset_modulation: function of self returning an array with shape (self.Np,) containing the modified offsets. self.points['offset'] is used by default. modulation_kwargs: keyword arguments to the modulation function Returns ------- points: (Np, 3) pd.DataFrame with the points positions """ for u, du in zip(coords, dcoords): self.edge_df[u] = srce_pos[u] self.edge_df["d" + u] = r_ij[du] cols = coords + dcoords upcast = self.edge_df.loc[self.points["upcaster"], cols] if offset_modulation is None: upcast["offset"] = self.points["offset"].values else: upcast["offset"] = offset_modulation(self, **modulation_kwargs) for c in coords: self.points[c] = upcast.eval("{} + offset * {}".format(c, "d" + c)).values if self.specs["noise"] > 0.0: self.points[coords] += np.random.normal( scale=self.specs["noise"], size=(self.n_points, 3) ) return self.points[coords]
[docs]def get_edge_bases(eptm, base=("face", "srce", "trgt")): edge_upcast_pos = { element: eptm.upcast_cols(element, eptm.coords) for element in base } origin = base[0] edge_bases = {} for vertex in base[1:]: df = pd.DataFrame( 0, columns=eptm.coords + eptm.dcoords + ["length"], index=eptm.edge_df.index ) df[eptm.dcoords] = ( edge_upcast_pos[vertex].values - edge_upcast_pos[origin].values ) df["length"] = np.linalg.norm(df[eptm.dcoords].values, axis=1) df[eptm.coords] = edge_upcast_pos[origin].values edge_bases["{}_{}".format(origin, vertex)] = df.copy() return edge_bases
[docs]class FaceGrid: def __init__(self, edges_df, base, **kwargs): self.origin = base[0] self.base = ["{}_{}".format(base[0], other) for other in base[1:]] self.specs = bulk_spec() self.specs.update(kwargs) e_specs = kwargs self.subdivs = {key: EdgeSubdiv(edges_df[key], **e_specs) for key in self.base} self.n_points = np.product( [ subdiv.edge_df["num_particles"].values for subdiv in self.subdivs.values() ], axis=0, ).sum() self.dim = len(self.subdivs) self.up_cols = ["up_{}".format(key) for key in self.base] self.of_cols = ["of_{}".format(key) for key in self.base] self.points = None
[docs] def update_grid(self): upcasters = {} for key, subdiv in self.subdivs.items(): upcasters["up_" + key] = subdiv.points["upcaster"] upcasters["of_" + key] = subdiv.points["offset"] upcasters = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(upcasters) points = {} u_axis = "up_{}".format(self.base[0]) upcasters.set_index(u_axis, drop=False, inplace=True) for cols in (self.of_cols, self.up_cols): df = upcasters.groupby(level=u_axis).apply(_local_grid, *cols) points.update({col: df[col].values for col in cols}) self.points = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(points)
[docs] def face_point_cloud(self, coords=["x", "y", "z"], dcoords=["dx", "dy", "dz"]): upcast = {} offsets = self.points[self.of_cols] for key, subdiv in self.subdivs.items(): upcast[key] = subdiv.edge_df.loc[ self.points["up_{}".format(key)], coords + dcoords + ["length"] ].copy() upcast[key].reset_index(inplace=True) upcast[key]["offset"] = offsets["of_{}".format(key)].values for u, du in zip(coords, dcoords): self.points[u] = upcast[self.base[0]].eval( "{} + offset * {}".format(u, du) ).values + np.sum( [ upcast[other].eval("offset * {}".format(du)).values for other in self.base[1:] ], axis=0, ) in_out = np.zeros(self.points.shape[0], dtype=bool) for other in self.base[1:]: xx = upcast[self.base[0]]["offset"].values yy = upcast[other]["offset"].values in_out += (xx + yy) < 1.0 self.points = self.points[in_out] return self.points[coords]
def _local_grid(df, *cols): grid = np.meshgrid(*(df[col] for col in cols)) out = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({col: mm.ravel() for col, mm in zip(cols, grid)}) return out