Source code for tyssue.topology.bulk_topology

import itertools
import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..core.monolayer import Monolayer
from ..core.objects import _is_closed_cell, euler_characteristic
from ..core.sheet import get_opposite
from ..geometry.utils import rotation_matrix
from .base_topology import add_vert, close_face, collapse_edge, remove_face
from .base_topology import split_vert as base_split_vert
from .sheet_topology import face_division

logger = logging.getLogger(name=__name__)

[docs]def remove_cell(eptm, cell): """Removes a tetrahedral cell from the epithelium.""" eptm.get_opposite_faces() edges = eptm.edge_df.query(f"cell == {cell}") if not edges.shape[0] == 12: warnings.warn(f"{cell} is not a tetrahedral cell, aborting.") return -1 faces = eptm.face_df.loc[edges["face"].unique()] oppo = faces["opposite"][faces["opposite"] != -1] verts = eptm.vert_df.loc[edges["srce"].unique()].copy() eptm.vert_df = pd.concat( [eptm.vert_df, pd.DataFrame(verts.mean(numeric_only=True))], ignore_index=True ) new_vert = eptm.vert_df.index[-1] eptm.vert_df.loc[new_vert, "segment"] = "basal" eptm.edge_df.replace( {"srce": verts.index, "trgt": verts.index}, new_vert, inplace=True ) collapsed = eptm.edge_df.query("srce == trgt") eptm.face_df.drop(faces.index, axis=0, inplace=True) eptm.face_df.drop(oppo, axis=0, inplace=True) eptm.edge_df.drop(collapsed.index, axis=0, inplace=True) eptm.cell_df.drop(cell, axis=0, inplace=True) eptm.vert_df.drop(verts.index, axis=0, inplace=True) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() return 0
[docs]def close_cell(eptm, cell): """Closes the cell by adding a face. Assumes a single face is missing""" face_edges = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == cell] euler_c = euler_characteristic(face_edges) if euler_c == 2:"cell %s is already closed", cell) return 0 if euler_c != 1: raise ValueError("Cell has more than one hole") eptm.face_df = pd.concat([eptm.face_df, eptm.face_df.loc[0:0]], ignore_index=True) new_face = eptm.face_df.index[-1] oppo = get_opposite(face_edges, raise_if_invalid=True) new_edges = face_edges[oppo == -1].copy()"closing cell %d", cell) new_edges[["srce", "trgt"]] = new_edges[["trgt", "srce"]] new_edges["face"] = new_face new_edges.index = new_edges.index + eptm.edge_df.index.max() eptm.edge_df = pd.concat([eptm.edge_df, new_edges], ignore_index=False) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() return 0
[docs]def split_vert(eptm, vert, face=None, multiplier=1.5, recenter=False): """Splits a vertex towards a face. Parameters ---------- eptm : a :class:`tyssue.Epithelium` instance vert : int the vertex to split face : int, optional, the face to split if face is None, one face will be chosen at random multiplier: float, default 1.5 length of the new edge(s) in units of eptm.settings["threshold_length"] Note on the algorithm --------------------- For a given face, we look for the adjacent cell with the lowest number of faces converging on the vertex. If this number is higher than 4 we raise a ValueError If it's 3, we do a OI transition, resulting in a new edge but no new faces If it's 4, we do a IH transition, resulting in a new face and 2 ne edges. see ../doc/illus/IH_transition.png """ all_edges = eptm.edge_df[ (eptm.edge_df["trgt"] == vert) | (eptm.edge_df["srce"] == vert) ] faces = all_edges.groupby("face").apply( lambda df: pd.Series( { "verts": frozenset(df[["srce", "trgt"]].values.ravel()), "cell": df["cell"].iloc[0], } ) ) cells = all_edges.groupby("cell").apply( lambda df: pd.Series( { "verts": frozenset(df[["srce", "trgt"]].values.ravel()), "faces": frozenset(df["face"]), "size": df.shape[0] // 2, } ) ) # choose a face if face is None: face = np.random.choice(faces.index) pair = faces[faces["verts"] == faces.loc[face, "verts"]].index # Take the cell adjacent to the face with the smallest size cell = cells.loc[faces.loc[pair, "cell"], "size"].idxmin() face = pair[0] if pair[0] in cells.loc[cell, "faces"] else pair[1] elements = vert, face, cell if cells.loc[cell, "size"] == 3:"OI for face {face} of cell {cell}") _OI_transition(eptm, all_edges, elements, multiplier, recenter=recenter) elif cells.loc[cell, "size"] == 4:"OH for face {face} of cell {cell}") _OH_transition(eptm, all_edges, elements, multiplier, recenter=recenter) else:"Nothing happened ") return 1 # Tidy up for face in all_edges["face"].unique(): close_face(eptm, face) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() for cell in all_edges["cell"].unique(): try: close_cell(eptm, cell) except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"Close failed for cell {cell}") raise e eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() if isinstance(eptm, Monolayer): for vert_ in eptm.vert_df.index[-2:]: eptm.guess_vert_segment(vert_) for face_ in eptm.face_df.index[-2:]: eptm.guess_face_segment(face_) return 0
def _OI_transition(eptm, all_edges, elements, multiplier=1.5, recenter=False): epsilon = eptm.settings.get("threshold_length", 0.1) * multiplier vert, face, cell = elements # Get all the edges bordering this terahedron cell_eges = eptm.edge_df.query(f"cell == {cell}") prev_vs = cell_eges[cell_eges["trgt"] == vert]["srce"] next_vs = cell_eges[cell_eges["srce"] == vert]["trgt"] connected = all_edges[ all_edges["trgt"].isin(next_vs) | all_edges["srce"].isin(prev_vs) | all_edges["srce"].isin(next_vs) | all_edges["trgt"].isin(prev_vs) ] base_split_vert(eptm, vert, face, connected, epsilon, recenter) def _OH_transition(eptm, all_edges, elements, multiplier=1.5, recenter=False): epsilon = eptm.settings.get("threshold_length", 0.1) * multiplier vert, face, cell = elements # all_cell_edges = eptm.edge_df.query(f'cell == {cell}').copy() cell_edges = all_edges.query(f"cell == {cell}").copy() face_verts = cell_edges.groupby("face").apply( lambda df: set(df["srce"]).union(df["trgt"]) - {vert} ) for face_, verts_ in face_verts.items(): if not verts_.intersection(face_verts.loc[face]): opp_face = face_ break else: raise ValueError for to_split in (face, opp_face): face_edges = all_edges.query(f"face == {to_split}").copy() (prev_v,) = face_edges[face_edges["trgt"] == vert]["srce"] (next_v,) = face_edges[face_edges["srce"] == vert]["trgt"] connected = all_edges[ all_edges["trgt"].isin((next_v, prev_v)) | all_edges["srce"].isin((next_v, prev_v)) ] base_split_vert(eptm, vert, to_split, connected, epsilon, recenter)
[docs]def get_division_edges( eptm, mother, plane_normal, plane_center=None, return_verts=False ): """Returns an index of the mother cell edges crossed by the division plane, ordered clockwize around the division plane normal. """ if plane_normal is None: plane_normal = np.random.normal(size=3) plane_normal = np.asarray(plane_normal) if plane_center is None: plane_center = eptm.cell_df.loc[mother, eptm.coords] n_xy = np.linalg.norm(plane_normal[:2]) theta = -np.arctan2(n_xy, plane_normal[2]) if np.linalg.norm(plane_normal[:2]) < 1e-10: rot = None else: direction = [plane_normal[1], -plane_normal[0], 0] rot = rotation_matrix(theta, direction) cell_verts = frozenset(eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == mother]["srce"]) vert_pos = eptm.vert_df.loc[cell_verts, eptm.coords] for coord in eptm.coords: vert_pos[coord] -= plane_center[coord] if rot is not None: vert_pos[:] =, rot) mother_edges = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == mother] srce_z = vert_pos.loc[mother_edges["srce"], "z"] srce_z.index = mother_edges.index trgt_z = vert_pos.loc[mother_edges["trgt"], "z"] trgt_z.index = mother_edges.index division_edges = mother_edges[((srce_z < 0) & (trgt_z >= 0))] mother_verts = mother_edges[(srce_z < 0) & (trgt_z < 0)]["srce"].unique() daughter_verts = mother_edges[(srce_z >= 0) & (trgt_z >= 0)]["srce"].unique() # Order the returned edges so that their centers # are oriented counterclockwize in the division plane # in preparation for septum creation srce_pos = vert_pos.loc[division_edges["srce"], eptm.coords].values trgt_pos = vert_pos.loc[division_edges["trgt"], eptm.coords].values centers = (srce_pos + trgt_pos) / 2 theta = np.arctan2(centers[:, 1], centers[:, 0]) if not return_verts: return division_edges.iloc[np.argsort(theta)].index return division_edges.iloc[np.argsort(theta)].index, mother_verts, daughter_verts
[docs]def get_division_vertices( eptm, division_edges=None, mother=None, plane_normal=None, plane_center=None, return_all=False, ): if division_edges is None: division_edges, mother_verts, daughter_verts = get_division_edges( eptm, mother, plane_normal, plane_center, return_verts=True ) else: return_all = False septum_vertices = [] for edge in division_edges: new_vert, *_ = add_vert(eptm, edge) septum_vertices.append(new_vert) if not return_all: return septum_vertices return septum_vertices, mother_verts, daughter_verts
# @check_condition4
[docs]def cell_division( eptm, mother, geom, vertices=None, mother_verts=None, daughter_verts=None ): if vertices is None: vertices, mother_verts, daughter_verts = get_division_vertices( eptm, mother=mother, return_all=True, ) cell_cols = eptm.cell_df.loc[mother:mother] eptm.cell_df = pd.concat([eptm.cell_df, cell_cols], ignore_index=True) = "cell" daughter = eptm.cell_df.index[-1] if "id" not in eptm.cell_df.columns: warnings.warn( """Adding 'id' columns to cell_df, as dataframe index is not a reliable identifier. Consider doing this at initialisation time """ ) eptm.cell_df["id"] = eptm.cell_df.index.copy() daughter_id = + 1 mother_id = eptm.cell_df.loc[mother, "id"] eptm.cell_df.loc[daughter, "id"] = daughter_id pairs = { frozenset([v1, v2]) for v1, v2 in itertools.product(vertices, vertices) if v1 != v2 } # divide existing faces- daughter_faces = [] for v1, v2 in pairs: v1_faces = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["srce"] == v1]["face"] v2_faces = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["srce"] == v2]["face"] # we should devide a face if both v1 and v2 # are part of it faces = set(v1_faces).intersection(v2_faces) for face in faces: daughter_faces.append(face_division(eptm, face, v1, v2)) # septum face_cols = eptm.face_df.iloc[-2:] eptm.face_df = pd.concat([eptm.face_df, face_cols], ignore_index=True) = "face" septum = eptm.face_df.index[-2:] num_v = len(vertices) num_new_edges = num_v * 2 edge_cols = eptm.edge_df.iloc[-num_new_edges:] eptm.edge_df = pd.concat([eptm.edge_df, edge_cols], ignore_index=True) = "edge" new_edges = eptm.edge_df.index[-num_new_edges:] # To keep mother orientation, the first septum face # belongs to mother for v1, v2, edge, oppo in zip( vertices, np.roll(vertices, -1), new_edges[:num_v], new_edges[num_v:] ): # Mother septum eptm.edge_df.loc[edge, ["srce", "trgt", "face", "cell"]] = ( v1, v2, septum[0], mother, ) # Daughter septum eptm.edge_df.loc[oppo, ["srce", "trgt", "face", "cell"]] = ( v2, v1, septum[1], daughter, ) if (mother_verts is not None) and (daughter_verts is not None): # assign edges linked to daughter verts to daughter daughter_faces = eptm.edge_df.loc[ eptm.edge_df["srce"].isin(daughter_verts) & (eptm.edge_df["cell"] == mother) ]["face"].unique() eptm.edge_df.loc[eptm.edge_df["face"].isin(daughter_faces), "cell"] = daughter eptm.edge_df.loc[eptm.edge_df["face"] == septum[1], "cell"] = daughter eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() geom.update_all(eptm) else: warnings.warn( "This method in cell_division is deprecated and can produce inconsistencies" ) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() geom.update_all(eptm) m_septum_edges = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["face"] == septum[0]] m_septum_norm = m_septum_edges[eptm.ncoords].mean() m_septum_pos = eptm.face_df.loc[septum[0], eptm.coords] if eptm.cell_df[eptm.cell_df["id"] == mother_id].index[0] != mother: raise RuntimeError # splitting the faces between mother and daughter # based on the orientation of the vector from septum # center to each face center w/r to the septum norm mother_faces = set(eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["cell"] == mother]["face"]) for face in mother_faces: if face == septum[0]: continue dr = eptm.face_df.loc[face, eptm.coords] - m_septum_pos proj = (dr.values * m_septum_norm).sum(axis=0) f_edges = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["face"] == face].index if proj < 0: eptm.edge_df.loc[f_edges, "cell"] = mother else: eptm.edge_df.loc[f_edges, "cell"] = daughter eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo() return daughter
[docs]def find_rearangements(eptm): """Finds the candidates for IH and HI transitions Returns ------- edges_HI: set of indexes of short edges faces_IH: set of indexes of small triangular faces """ l_th = eptm.settings.get("threshold_length", 1e-2) shorts = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["length"] < l_th] if not shorts.shape[0]: return np.array([]), np.array([]) edges_IH = find_IHs(eptm, shorts) faces_HI = find_HIs(eptm, shorts) return edges_IH, faces_HI
[docs]def find_IHs(eptm, shorts=None): l_th = eptm.settings.get("threshold_length", 1e-2) if shorts is None: shorts = eptm.edge_df[eptm.edge_df["length"] < l_th] if not shorts.shape[0]: return [] edges_IH = shorts.groupby("srce").apply( lambda df: pd.Series( { "edge": df.index[0], "length": df["length"].iloc[0], "num_sides": min(eptm.face_df.loc[df["face"], "num_sides"]), "pair": frozenset(df.iloc[0][["srce", "trgt"]]), } ) ) # keep only one of the edges per vertex pair and sort by length edges_IH = ( edges_IH[edges_IH["num_sides"] > 3] .drop_duplicates("pair") .sort_values("length") ) return edges_IH["edge"].values
[docs]def find_HIs(eptm, shorts=None): l_th = eptm.settings.get("threshold_length", 1e-2) if shorts is None: shorts = eptm.edge_df[(eptm.edge_df["length"] < l_th)] if not shorts.shape[0]: return [] max_f_length = shorts.groupby("face")["length"].apply(max) short_faces = eptm.face_df.loc[max_f_length[max_f_length < l_th].index] faces_HI = short_faces[short_faces["num_sides"] == 3].sort_values("area").index return faces_HI
# @check_condition4
[docs]def IH_transition(eptm, edge, recenter=False): """ I → H transition as defined in Okuda et al. 2013 (DOI 10.1007/s10237-012-0430-7). See tyssue/doc/illus/IH_transition.png for the algorithm """ srce, trgt, face, cell = eptm.edge_df.loc[edge, ["srce", "trgt", "face", "cell"]] vert = min(srce, trgt) collapse_edge(eptm, edge) split_vert(eptm, vert, face, recenter=recenter)"IH transition on edge %d", edge) return 0
# @check_condition4
[docs]def HI_transition(eptm, face, recenter=False): """ H → I transition as defined in Okuda et al. 2013 (DOI 10.1007/s10237-012-0430-7). See tyssue/doc/illus/IH_transition.png for the algorithm """ remove_face(eptm, face) vert = eptm.vert_df.index[-1] all_edges = eptm.edge_df[ (eptm.edge_df["srce"] == vert) | (eptm.edge_df["trgt"] == vert) ] cells = all_edges.groupby("cell").size() cell = cells.idxmin() face = all_edges[all_edges["cell"] == cell]["face"].iloc[0] split_vert(eptm, vert, face, recenter=recenter)"HI transition on face %d", face) return 0
[docs]def fix_pinch(eptm): """Due to rearangements, some faces in an epithelium will have more than one opposite face. This method fixes the issue so we can have a valid epithelium back. """ logger.debug("Fixing pinch") face_v = eptm.edge_df.groupby("face").apply(lambda df: frozenset(df["srce"])) face_v2 = pd.Series(data=face_v.index, index=face_v.values) grouped = face_v2.groupby(level=0) cardinal = grouped.apply(len) faces = face_v2[cardinal > 2].to_list() if not faces: logger.debug("no pinch found") return cells = eptm.edge_df.loc[eptm.edge_df["face"].isin(faces), "cell"].unique() bad_cells = [] for cell in cells: if not _is_closed_cell(eptm.edge_df.query(f"cell == {cell}")): bad_cells.append(cell)"Fixing pinch for cells %s", bad_cells) to_remove = eptm.edge_df.loc[ eptm.edge_df["face"].isin(faces) & (eptm.edge_df["cell"].isin(bad_cells)) ] bad_faces = to_remove["face"].unique() bad_edges = to_remove.index.values eptm.edge_df = eptm.edge_df.drop(bad_edges) eptm.face_df = eptm.face_df.drop(bad_faces) eptm.reset_index() eptm.reset_topo()